敦促你皇帝习近平立刻退位告示Urge your emperor Xi Jinping to abdicate immediately notice.Mitteilung, in der Ihr Kaiser Xi Jinping aufgefordert wird, sofort abzudanken

敦促你皇帝习近平立刻退位告示 中共战螂: 你等皇帝习近平维尼登大宝正大位已过数月有余,请你替我问问牠皇帝的宝座坐热乎了没有?问问牠君临天下的感觉如何,爽不爽?还想在皇位上赖多久?立储君没有?以后想传位给谁?还是准备一直做皇帝做到死? 当皇帝的感觉如何?希望习近平维尼大蒂分享一下牠的感想,习近平维尼的后宫有多少娘娘?习近平维尼的皇家金库贪污了多少? 辛亥革命一百多年后,中国又出现了个皇帝。 中华和平革命党( CPRP )希望你带个话给你们皇帝习近平维尼,让牠赶紧退位,不要再丢人现眼了! 中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席 中华和平革命党( CPRP )中央党部 负责人 高艺 2023 年 2 月 23 日 Urge your emperor Xi Jinping to abdicate immediately notice Chinese Communist Fighting Cockroaches. It has been more than a few months since your Emperor Xi Jinping ascended to the throne, please ask him if his throne is warmed up. Ask him how it feels to be on top of the world and whether he feels good. How long does he want to stay on the throne? Has he made a crown prince? Who do you want to pass the throne to in the future? Or are you going to stay as the emperor until you die? How does it feel to be the emp...