
Showing posts from November, 2023

Overthrow the dictatorship of the Communist Party of China (CPC)! Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), demands that the Chinese Communist Party's Emperor and Great Dictator Xi Jinping step down immediately!

  Overthrow the dictatorship of the Communist Party of China (CPC)! Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), demands that the Chinese Communist Party's Emperor and Great Dictator Xi Jinping step down immediately!   I, Ms. Gao Yi, as the female party chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), now demand that the Chinese Communist Party's Emperor and Great Dictator Xi Jinping step down immediately! We, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), leading the Chinese National Liberation Revolution, must overthrow the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party!   Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Chairperson Gao Yi   Republic of China, Nanjing Time, December 112th, R.O.C.   December 2023


  推翻中共独裁统治!中华和平革命党( CPRP )主席高艺女士要求中共皇帝大独裁者习近平立刻下台!   我高艺作为中华和平革命党( CPRP )主席的女性党主席,现在要求中共皇帝大独裁者习近平立刻下台!我们中华和平革命党( CPRP )领导中华民族解放革命,一定要要推翻中共的独裁统治!   中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席 高艺   中華民國,南京時間,民國 112 年 12 月   2023 年 12 月

The White Paper Revolution is a Peaceful Revolution. On the first anniversary of Ms. Gao Yi's letter to the White Paper Revolutionaries, CPRP News Service interviewed Ms. Gao Yi, the Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)

The White Paper Revolution is a Peaceful Revolution. On the first anniversary of Ms. Gao Yi's letter to the White Paper Revolutionaries, CPRP News Service interviewed Ms. Gao Yi, the Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)   After the White Paper Revolution erupted from the Nanjing Media Institute on November 26, 2022, Ms. Gao Yi, then the party chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), published "A Letter to Our Compatriots of the People in the Fallen Areas of the Republic of China" on November 28, 2022, in which Ms. Gao Yi said, "To each and every one of our dear compatriots of the Republic of China! Friends! Fellow revolutionary comrades! We have heard everyone's cries!" , "We must let the Communist Nazi CCP fascists know that a nation that does not fear death cannot be conquered! Our generation will use our revolution to write a glorious history that our children and grandchildren will be proud of! Ou...

Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Ms. Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Ambassador to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Hungary", Mr. Gong Tao.

  Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Ms. Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Ambassador to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Hungary", Mr. Gong Tao.   Xi Jinping's clowns and his so-called new "Ambassador at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Hungary", Gong Tao, listen up!   Xi Jinping is a dictatorial emperor and the Chinese Communist Party is a dictatorial pseudo-government. Under the dictatorial rule of Xi Jinping, the CCP has arrested a large number of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, which fully demonstrates the reactionary nature of Xi Jinping and the CCP. The so-called new "Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Hungary", Gong Tao, is just an accomplice of the clown Xi Jinping's reactionary faction, where did he get all those titles? After ...

释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的“驻匈牙利大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN HUNGARY的大使” 龚韬(Gong Tao)的抗议信

  释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的 “ 驻匈牙利大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN HUNGARY 的大使 ” 龚韬( Gong Tao )的抗议信   习近平小丑和牠所谓新的“驻匈牙利大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN HUNGARY 的大使 ” 龚韬( Gong Tao ),你俩听好!   习近平是一个独裁的皇帝,中共是独裁的伪政府。在习近平的独裁统治下,中共逮捕了大量的政治犯和良心犯,这充分显示出习近平和中共的反动。所谓新的“驻匈牙利大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN HUNGARY 的大使 ” 龚韬( Gong Tao )不过也是小丑习近平反动派的帮凶罢了,哪来的那么多头衔?小丑习近平皇帝驾崩之后,龚韬( Gong Tao )你这个中共反动派帮凶估计也想登基称帝成为法西斯中共的新皇帝。   我高艺作为中华和平革命党( CPRP )的女性党主席,现在正式要求中共法西斯和习近平小丑皇帝和中共法西斯反动帮凶龚韬( Gong Tao )立即释放中国大陆所有政治犯和良心犯,要求小丑习近平马上下台滚蛋!要求龚韬( Gong Tao )为中共逮捕政治犯和良心犯的反动反人民罪行向全中国人民道歉!要求龚韬( Gong Tao )将该抗议信在 12 个小时内通告习近平本人!   我们要求中共法西斯及其独裁政府向中华和平革命党( CPRP )交出政权,要求小丑习近平下台谢罪,要求中共法西斯帮凶龚韬( Gong Tao )立刻辞职!   中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席 高艺   中華民國,南京時間,民國 112 年 11 月   2023 年 11 月


 白纸革命是一场和平革命,致信白纸革命一周年,和革社专访中华和平革命党(CPRP)主席高艺女士 在2022年11月26日白纸革命从南京传媒学院爆发后,时任中华和平革命党(CPRP)党员主席的高艺女士于2022年11月28日发表了《致我中华民国沦陷区人民同胞的一封信》,在信中高艺女士说道:“每一位最最最亲爱的中华同胞们!朋友们!各位革命同志们!大家的呼声我们都听见了!”、“我们必须让共产纳粹中共法西斯知道,一个不畏惧死亡的民族是不可能被征服的!我们这一代要用我们的革命书写令我们子孙后代为之骄傲的光辉历史!以后我们的后代们,将会在每一个妄图侵略和奴役我们的狂妄者面前昂首挺胸!因为炎黄子孙知道!我们的祖先们从死神手中夺回属于中华民族的民主和自由!从此再没有什么再能够恐吓我们的!中华民族的脊梁弯曲太久了!是时候直起我们的脊梁!抛弃对死亡的恐惧!勇敢的在专制独裁的共产纳粹中共法西斯手中夺回属于我们的尊严和民主!”、“彻底推翻中共纳粹的独裁统治!准备迎接中华民国的民主光复!”。 在此《致我中华民国沦陷区人民同胞的一封信》一周年之际,让我们听一听中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士对白纸革命的观点。 高艺:“首先,还是非常感动,一周年了,白纸革命的感动仍然在我心中时常荡漾着,在这里我想向白纸革命首义的南京传媒学院的学生们表达敬意!这些参加白纸革命首义的青年学生很多都不同程度地受到了中共的报复,但我认为,革命的火种已经播下,南京传媒学院的学生们是好样的! 南京,是一个不同寻常的城市,白纸革命从南京爆发,本身就说明了很多,我们真正的中国正在遭受俄国侵华傀儡法西斯中共的侵略,我们真正的中国的首都就是在南京,可是我们中国人却要生活在俄国傀儡中共的统治之下,我们生活在大陆的中国人实际上已经是亡国奴了!南京是一个符号!是一个象征!是我们中国人要反侵略并赢得我们中华民族解放革命胜利的图腾! 南京!我深深爱着的南京!没有让我们失望!从南京爆发的白纸革命是足以载入中国史册的大事!我们对青年学生抱有很大的希望,青年学生,是心地最善良、最纯洁的那一群人,是最具理想主义和革命性的一群人,青年学生的心灵非常纯粹,也是最接近一种“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”境界的。如果一个民族、一个国家的学子们,都世俗化和犬儒化了,那么这个民族和国家就真的要亡了! 在我的青年学生时代,我也是具有革命性和反抗...

Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping Steps Down! Letter of protest from Ms. Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against Xi Jinping the clown and his so-called new "Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Spain" Yao Jing.

  Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping Steps Down! Letter of protest from Ms. Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against Xi Jinping the clown and his so-called new "Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Spain" Yao Jing.   Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain" Yao Jing, listen carefully!   Xi Jinping is a dictatorial emperor, and the CCP is a dictatorial pseudo-government. Under Xi's dictatorial rule, the CCP has arrested a large number of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, which fully demonstrates the reactionary nature of Xi and the CCP. The so-called new "EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN" Yao Jing is just an accomplice of the clown Xi Jinping's reactionary faction, where did he get so many titles? After the death of the clown Emperor Xi Jinping, Yao Jing, an accomplice of the Ch...

释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的“驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN的大使” 姚敬(Yao Jing)的抗议信

  释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的 “ 驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN 的大使 ” 姚敬( Yao Jing )的抗议信   习近平小丑和牠所谓新的“驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN 的大使 ” 姚敬( Yao Jing ),你俩听好!   习近平是一个独裁的皇帝,中共是独裁的伪政府。在习近平的独裁统治下,中共逮捕了大量的政治犯和良心犯,这充分显示出习近平和中共的反动。所谓新的“驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN 的大使 ” 姚敬( Yao Jing )不过也是小丑习近平反动派的帮凶罢了,哪来的那么多头衔?小丑习近平皇帝驾崩之后,姚敬( Yao Jing )你这个中共反动派帮凶估计也想登基称帝成为法西斯中共的新皇帝。   我高艺作为中华和平革命党( CPRP )的女性党主席,现在正式要求中共法西斯和习近平小丑皇帝和中共法西斯反动帮凶姚敬( Yao Jing )立即释放中国大陆所有政治犯和良心犯,要求小丑习近平马上下台滚蛋!要求姚敬( Yao Jing )为中共逮捕政治犯和良心犯的反动反人民罪行向全中国人民道歉!要求姚敬( Yao Jing )将该抗议信在 12 个小时内通告习近平本人!   我们要求中共法西斯及其独裁政府向中华和平革命党( CPRP )交出政权,要求小丑习近平下台谢罪,要求中共法西斯帮凶姚敬( Yao Jing )立刻辞职!   中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席 高艺   中華民國,南京時間,民國 112 年 11 月   2023 年 11 月

Police in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China, have issued a notice of persuasion to return people from abroad, rather than investigating how Li Keqiang died. 【CPRP News】

  Police in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China, have issued a notice of persuasion to return people from abroad, rather than investigating how Li Keqiang died. 【 CPRP News 】   Recently, police in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China, issued a ludicrous so-called "Lianyungang City on the illegal stay outside the country involved in fraud focus on the public persuasion to return the notice". The "notice" requires 42 Lianyungang people to take the initiative to return before December 20, 2023, and the "notice" also deliberately make a bracket "(the first batch)", fearing that Others can't see it.     Ms. Gao Yi, the Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), spent some time in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, a few years ago. I don't know what kind of trick the police in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China are playing this time, but they have issued a bullshit so-called "notice", which...


  中国江苏省连云港警方发布境外劝返通告不如关注李克强死因【和革社评】   近日,中国江苏省连云港市警方发布了一则令人啼笑皆非地所谓“连云港市关于对非法滞留境外涉诈重点人员公开劝返的通告”。“通告”要求 42 名连云港籍人员主动于 2023 年 12 月 20 日前返回,并且该 “ 通告 ” 还特意打个括号 “ (第一批) ” ,生怕别人看不见。   我们中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席高艺女士曾经在连云港市呆过一段时间。也不知道这次中国江苏省连云港市警方玩的是什么花招,发了一个狗屁不通的所谓 “ 通告 ” ,还引起了很多家中共 “ 大 ” 媒体的报道。因为我们 CPRP 党的政治敏感性,所以我们认为这件事情没有表面上那么简单。   我们中华和平革命党( CPRP )认为中国江苏省连云港市警方发布的这则公告有着另一层潜在的含义,即想警告和恐吓我们中华和平革命党( CPRP ),所谓 “ 第一批 ” 则是在暗示还有 “ 第二批 ” 、 “ 第三批 ” 等等等,随时都可以让你上 “ 通告 ” 并且让中共 “ 大 ” 媒体报道的人尽皆知。这种警告和恐吓即是如此。看来,有可能我们中华和平革命党( CPRP )的反共政治活动恐怕让中国江苏省连云港市警方挨了很多上级批评吧,哈哈哈,谁叫中国江苏省连云港市警方一直都抓不住我们中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席高艺女士呢?   中国江苏省连云港市警方在所谓“通告”中厚颜无耻、毫无气节地跪舔中共皇帝习近平,拍皇帝习近平的马屁,说什么:”为坚决贯彻落实党中央关于打击治理电信网络诈骗的决策部署“,恨不得习近平拉一泡屎,中国江苏省连云港市警方都要毕恭毕敬地称之为“龙遗丸”,然后泡水当茶喝了才显得像一头好狗,吃屎的狗当然犬性十足。   皇帝习近平的狗——中国江苏省连云港市警方怎么不去关心关心李克强是怎么死的呢?人家李克强至少跟皇帝习近平握过手,中国江苏省连云港市警方有几个见过习近平的面?就幻想皇帝习近平能让你们鸡犬升天吗?且不说中国江苏省连云港市警方能不能做到中共二把手的高位,就是你们祖坟冒青烟、升青龙了,又能怎么样,你看李克强吧,就那么不明不白地死了,和在中国被中共弄得不明不白地死去的任何一个老百姓之间,又有什么区别?中国江苏省连云港市警...

Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest by Ms. Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Estonia", Mr. Guo Xiaomei.

  Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest by Ms. Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Estonia", Mr. Guo Xiaomei.     Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Estonia", Guo Xiaomei, listen up!   Xi Jinping is a dictatorial emperor and the CCP is a dictatorial pseudo-government. Under Xi's dictatorial rule, the CCP has arrested a large number of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, which fully demonstrates the reactionary nature of Xi and the CCP. The so-called new "Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Estonia", Guo Xiaomei, is nothing more than an accomplice of Xi Jinping's reactionary clowns. Where did she get all these titles? After the death of the clown ...

释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的“驻爱沙尼亚共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA的大使” 郭晓梅(Guo Xiaomei)的抗议信

  释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的 “ 驻爱沙尼亚共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA 的大使 ” 郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei )的抗议信   习近平小丑和牠所谓新的“驻爱沙尼亚共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA 的大使 ” 郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei ),你俩听好!   习近平是一个独裁的皇帝,中共是独裁的伪政府。在习近平的独裁统治下,中共逮捕了大量的政治犯和良心犯,这充分显示出习近平和中共的反动。所谓新的“驻爱沙尼亚共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA 的大使 ” 郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei )不过也是小丑习近平反动派的帮凶罢了,哪来的那么多头衔?小丑习近平皇帝驾崩之后,郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei )你这个中共反动派帮凶估计也想登基称帝成为法西斯中共的新皇帝。   我高艺作为中华和平革命党( CPRP )的女性党主席,现在正式要求中共法西斯和习近平小丑皇帝和中共法西斯反动帮凶郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei )立即释放中国大陆所有政治犯和良心犯,要求小丑习近平马上下台滚蛋!要求郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei )为中共逮捕政治犯和良心犯的反动反人民罪行向全中国人民道歉!要求郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei )将该抗议信在 12 个小时内通告习近平本人!   我们要求中共法西斯及其独裁政府向中华和平革命党( CPRP )交出政权,要求小丑习近平下台谢罪,要求中共法西斯帮凶郭晓梅( Guo Xiaomei )立刻辞职!   中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席 高艺   中華民國,南京時間,民國 112 年 11 月   2023 年 11 月

Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Ms. Gao Yi, President of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Slovak Republic" Cai Ge.

  Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Ms. Gao Yi, President of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called new "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Slovak Republic" Cai Ge.   Xi Jinping Clown and his so-called new "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Slovak Republic" Cai Ge, listen carefully!   Xi Jinping is a dictatorial emperor and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a dictatorial pseudo-government. Under the dictatorial rule of Xi Jinping, the CCP has arrested a large number of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, which fully demonstrates the reactionary nature of Xi Jinping and the CCP. The so-called new "Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in the Slovak Republic", Cai Ge, is just an accomplice of Xi Jinping's reactionary clowns. How did he get so many t...

释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的“驻斯洛伐克共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC 的大使”蔡革(Cai Ge)的抗议信

  释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席高艺女士对小丑习近平和牠所谓新的 “ 驻斯洛伐克共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC 的大使 ” 蔡革( Cai Ge )的抗议信   习近平小丑和牠所谓新的“驻斯洛伐克共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC 的大使 ” 蔡革( Cai Ge ),你俩听好!   习近平是一个独裁的皇帝,中共是独裁的伪政府。在习近平的独裁统治下,中共逮捕了大量的政治犯和良心犯,这充分显示出习近平和中共的反动。所谓新的“驻斯洛伐克共和国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC 的大使 ” 蔡革( Cai Ge )不过也是小丑习近平反动派的帮凶罢了,哪来的那么多头衔?小丑习近平皇帝驾崩之后,蔡革( Cai Ge )你这个中共反动派帮凶估计也想登基称帝成为法西斯中共的新皇帝。   我高艺作为中华和平革命党( CPRP )的女性党主席,现在正式要求中共法西斯和习近平小丑皇帝和中共法西斯反动帮凶蔡革( Cai Ge )立即释放中国大陆所有政治犯和良心犯,要求小丑习近平马上下台滚蛋!要求蔡革( Cai Ge )为中共逮捕政治犯和良心犯的反动反人民罪行向全中国人民道歉!要求蔡革( Cai Ge )将该抗议信在 12 个小时内通告习近平本人!   我们要求中共法西斯及其独裁政府向中华和平革命党( CPRP )交出政权,要求小丑习近平下台谢罪,要求中共法西斯帮凶蔡革( Cai Ge )立刻辞职!   中华和平革命党( CPRP )党主席 高艺   中華民國,南京時間,民國 112 年 11 月   2023 年 11 月

Chinesische Partei der Friedlichen Revolution (CPRP) Google-Konto erhält zweite Google-Sicherheitswarnung im Jahr 2023 "Es wurde ein von staatlichen Stellen unterstü tzter Versuch erkannt, an Ihr Passwort zu kommen" 【CPRP News】

 Chinesische Partei der Friedlichen Revolution (CPRP) Google-Konto erhält zweite Google-Sicherheitswarnung im Jahr 2023 "Es wurde ein von staatlichen Stellen unterstü tzter Versuch erkannt, an Ihr Passwort zu kommen" 【CPRP News】 Mitte November 2023 schickte der Sicherheitsbildschirm des Google-Kontos unter, das als externe Kontakt-E-Mail-Adresse der Chinesischen Partei der Friedlichen Revolution (CPRP) von meiner CPRP-Parteivorsitzenden, Frau Gao Yi, registriert ist, erneut eine Google-Sicherheitswarnung aus. In der Google-Warnung heißt es: "Es wurde ein von staatlichen Stellen unterstützter Versuch erkannt, an Ihr Passwort zu kommen". Wir haben den starken Verdacht, dass es sich hierbei um einen Cyberangriff der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas (KPCh) und ihrer Pseudoregierung gegen unsere Chinesische Partei der Friedlichen Revolution (CPRP) und unsere CPRP-Parteivorsitzende, Frau Gao Yi, handelt. Da sich unsere Parteivorsitzende, Frau Gao Yi, d...

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Email Receives Second Google Security Alert in 2023 "Government-backed attackers may be trying to steal your password" 【CPRP News】

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Email Receives Second Google Security Alert in 2023 "Government-backed attackers may be trying to steal your password" 【CPRP News】 In mid-November 2023, the CPRP's external contact email address, registered by Ms. Gao Yi, the Chairperson of the CPRP, once again sent out a Google security alert stating "Government-backed attackers may be trying to steal your password". Obviously, we strongly suspect that this is a cyber-attack by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its pseudo-government against our CPRP party and our CPRP party chairperson, Ms. Gao Yi. Given that our Party Chairperson, Ms. Gao Yi, is not currently in Communist China-controlled areas, we strongly suspect that this is a transnational crackdown on our CPRP Party and our CPRP Party Chairperson, Ms. Gao Yi, initiated by the Chinese Communist Party and its pseudo-government. It is worth noting that in early June 2023, Google also issu...


 关于2023年11月20日跨性别追悼日【和革社讯】 1、拜登总统纪念跨性别追悼日,并表示针对跨性别的暴力已经到了“不可接受”的程度。拜登总统说:“美国没有仇恨的容身之地,任何人都不应该仅仅因为做真实的自己而受到歧视。”Statement from President Joe Biden on Transgender Day of Remembrance【乔·拜登总统在跨性别追悼日发表的声明】 2、教皇方济各近日在梵蒂冈接待一群跨性别女性共进午餐。 3、2023年11月20日跨性别追悼日,中华和平革命党(CPRP)悼念2022年3月9日在武汉天街死于极右翼中共法西斯反跨性别宣传的无名跨性别女性、悼念所有死于受歧视的跨性别女性。 中华和平革命党(CPRP)宣传部 宣传社 2023年11月20日


 中华和平革命党(CPRP)中央党部231120通知 经中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士同意,中华和平革命党(CPRP)中央党部党组织结构整新如下 一、取消以下部门及其下辖组织: 中华和平革命党(CPRP)法律事务部 中华和平革命党(CPRP)情报部 中华和平革命党(CPRP)行动部 二、新设立以下部门: 中华和平革命党(CPRP)革命部 中华和平革命党(CPRP)法务部 中华和平革命党(CPRP)情咨部 中华和平革命党(CPRP)中央党部 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席 高艺 中華民國,南京時間,民國112年11月20日 2023年11月20日


 CPRP党邮箱在2023年收到第二次Google安全警报“检测到有政府支持的攻击者试图盗取您的密码”【和革社讯】 2023年11月中旬,我党主席高艺女士注册的中华和平革命党(CPRP)对外联络邮箱 再一次发出Google的安全警报,显示“检测到有政府支持的攻击者试图盗取您的密码”。 很明显我们强烈怀疑这是中共及其伪政府发动了对我们CPRP党和我们党主席高艺女士的网络攻击,鉴于我们党主席高艺目前并不在中共控制区,所以我们强烈怀疑这是中共及其伪政府发动的对我们CPRP党和我们党主席高艺女士的跨国镇压。 值得说明的是,2023年6月上旬,Google也针对中华和平革命党(CPRP)对外联络邮箱 发出过“检测到有政府支持的攻击者试图盗取您的密码”的安全警报。 这些相关情况我们已经发聩给所在国警方和安全情报部门。 中华和平革命党(CPRP)宣传部 宣传社 中華民國,南京時間,民國112年11月17日 2023年11月17日

Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), recently contacted the U.S. White House to wish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit a great success! At the same time, she demanded that Emperor Xi Jinping, the great dictator of the Communist Party of China (CPC), immediately abdicate and step down!

 CPRP News Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), recently contacted the U.S. White House to wish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit a great success! At the same time, she demanded that Emperor Xi Jinping, the great dictator of the Communist Party of China (CPC), immediately abdicate and step down! Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Propaganda Department Propaganda Society Republic of China (ROC), Nanjing Time, November 16, R.O.C. 112 November 16, 2023


  和革社讯 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士近日联系美国白宫,祝亚太经和组织(APEC)峰会圆满成功!同时要求中共大独裁者皇帝习近平立刻退位下台! 中华和平革命党(CPRP)宣传部 宣传社 中華民國,南京時間,民國112年11月16日 2023年11月16日

Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), recently contacted U.S. Vice President Harris to wish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit a great success! At the same time, she demanded that Emperor Xi Jinping, the great dictator of the Communist Party of China (CPC), immediately abdicate and step down!

 CPRP News Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), recently contacted U.S. Vice President Harris to wish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit a great success! At the same time, she demanded that Emperor Xi Jinping, the great dictator of the Communist Party of China (CPC), immediately abdicate and step down! Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Propaganda Department Propaganda Society Republic of China, Nanjing Time, November 15, 112 R.O.C. November 15, 2023


 和革社讯 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士近日联系美国副总统哈里斯,预祝亚太经和组织(APEC)峰会圆满成功!同时要求中共大独裁者皇帝习近平立刻退位下台! 中华和平革命党(CPRP)宣传部 宣传社 中華民國,南京時間,民國112年11月15日 2023年11月15日

Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), recently contacted U.S. President Joe Biden to wish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit a great success! At the same time, she demanded that Emperor Xi Jinping, the Great Dictator of the Chinese Communist Party, immediately abdicate and step down!

 CPRP News Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), recently contacted U.S. President Joe Biden to wish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit a great success! At the same time, she demanded that Emperor Xi Jinping, the Great Dictator of the Chinese Communist Party, immediately abdicate and step down! Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Propaganda Department Propaganda Society Republic of China (ROC), Nanjing Time, November 14, R.O.C. 112 November 14, 2023


 和革社讯 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺女士近日联系美国总统拜登,预祝亚太经和组织(APEC)峰会圆满成功!同时要求中共大独裁者皇帝习近平立刻退位下台! 中华和平革命党(CPRP)宣传部 宣传社 中華民國,南京時間,民國112年11月14日 2023年11月14日


 转发两则【美联社】消息 前福克斯新闻记者或会被指控藐视法庭 前总统民事欺诈审判开始辩护

Praise God - Written at a great moment in history when the Vatican and Pope Francis embraced the transgender community. 【CPRP News】

 Praise God - Written at a great moment in history when the Vatican and Pope Francis embraced the transgender community. 【CPRP News】 The Vatican's embrace of the transgender community was a great moment in history, one that people today may not realize shines brightly throughout the course of history. But thousands of years from now, people will remember and praise a Vatican pope who ushered in a great era - Francis. The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) highly appreciates the Vatican and Pope Francis' ongoing support for LGBTQ+ sexual minorities, especially this time when the Vatican embraced the transgender community and said that transgender people can be baptized in the Catholic Church, which is undoubtedly a glorious moment of inclusion and love that will forever shine in history! The inclusion and embracing of transgender people shows us the wonderful qualities of the Vatican as much as it sees God, as much as it sees the divine light of God's love! Transgen...

赞天主——写在梵蒂冈拥抱跨性别的伟大历史时刻 【和革社论】

 赞天主——写在梵蒂冈拥抱跨性别的伟大历史时刻 【和革社论】 梵蒂冈拥抱跨性别是一个伟大的历史时刻,今天的人们可能并不会意识到这个时刻在整个历史进程中的闪耀着的光芒。但在千百年后,人们会记住并赞扬一个开启伟大时代的梵蒂冈教皇——方济各。 中华和平革命党(CPRP)高度评价梵蒂冈和教皇方济各一直以来对LGBTQ+性少数群体的支持,特别是此次梵蒂冈拥抱跨性别,并表示跨性别可以在天主教会受洗,这无疑是一个永载史册闪耀着包容与爱的光辉时刻!包容和拥抱跨性别者,让我们看到了梵蒂冈美好的品质,如同看到了天主,如同看到了天主爱的神圣光芒! 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席跨性别女士高艺表示:“我对梵蒂冈和教皇方济各具有对众生普遍性的爱、包容与善良等等的美好品质而达到的非凡境界表示祝贺,并衷心地认同和称赞梵蒂冈和教皇方济各对天主神圣性格的参悟和表达,这对我个人来说能够帮助我更加深刻理解和领悟天主教具有的美好而深刻的品格。” 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席跨性别女士高艺指出:“爱是一颗发自人们内心最淳朴的种子,是一种心性,当我们怀揣着爱又被天主教吸引的时候,那么无疑,天主为我们打开了一扇亲近天主的门,我们只需要沿着这条路往前走,最终我们会在灵性上与天主相遇。” 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席跨性别女士高艺继续说道:“罪是一种对我们自身深刻地反省,赎罪是对自身原罪的忏悔,只有深刻认识到我们自身的原罪——例如我们人性上的那些丑陋的地方,并将这些人性上丑陋的地方改正,并在生活中践行美好和善良的品质,这样我们才能不仅在灵性上也能在肉体上得到救赎。这也正是我们每一个人都需要认识并忏悔我们原罪的重要性。对于跨性别群体来说,我们也有人性当中丑陋的原罪,我们也需要认识和改正这些每一个人都具有的人性中的丑陋原罪,当我们忏悔并改正这些人性中的原罪的时候,我们就在得到救赎。这也正是梵蒂冈和教皇方济各所提到的“罪”的本质。” 梵蒂冈和教皇方济各对跨性别的拥抱显示出,开明宗教右翼正在抵御极右翼黑恶异端的歪理邪说,极右翼黑恶异端为了苟延残喘企图挑拨自由主义左翼与开明右翼进行斗争的离间计阴谋是如小儿科一般幼稚且不可能实现的幻想,注定要失败。可以看出,极右翼黑恶异端不仅在自由主义左翼中如过街老鼠一样人人喊打,而且开明右翼也讨厌极右翼黑恶异端。自由主义左翼与开明右翼本质上是相互包容的,并且可以联手合作打击...

Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Gao Yi, Chairman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called "Ambassador at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain" Wu Haitao.

 Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Gao Yi, Chairman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called "Ambassador at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain" Wu Haitao. Xi Jinping's clowns and his so-called "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain", Wu Haitao, listen carefully! Xi Jinping is a dictatorial emperor, and the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a dictatorial pseudo-government. Under Xi's dictatorial rule, the CCP has arrested a large number of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, which fully demonstrates the reactionary nature of Xi Jinping and the CCP. The so-called "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain", Wu Haitao, is just an accomplice of the clown Xi Jinping's reactionary faction, where did he get so many titles? After the death of the clow...

释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺对小丑习近平和牠所谓“驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN 的大使”吴海涛(Wu Haitao)的抗议信

 释放政治犯!习近平下台!中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席高艺对小丑习近平和牠所谓“驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN 的大使”吴海涛(Wu Haitao)的抗议信 习近平小丑和牠所谓“驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN 的大使”吴海涛(Wu Haitao),你俩听好! 习近平是一个独裁的皇帝,中共是独裁的伪政府。在习近平的独裁统治下,中共逮捕了大量的政治犯和良心犯,这充分显示出习近平和中共的反动。所谓“驻西班牙王国大使馆 EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN SPAIN 的大使”吴海涛(Wu Haitao)不过也是小丑习近平反动派的帮凶罢了,哪来的那么多狗屁头衔?小丑习近平皇帝驾崩之后,吴海涛(Wu Haitao)你这个中共反动派帮凶估计也想登基称帝成为法西斯中共的新皇帝。 我高艺作为中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席,现在正式要求中共法西斯和习近平小丑皇帝和中共法西斯反动帮凶吴海涛(Wu Haitao)立即释放中国大陆所有政治犯和良心犯,要求小丑习近平马上下台滚蛋!要求吴海涛(Wu Haitao)为中共逮捕政治犯和良心犯的反动反人民罪行向全中国人民道歉!要求吴海涛(Wu Haitao)将该抗议信在12个小时内通告习近平本人! 我们要求中共法西斯及其独裁政府向中华和平革命党(CPRP)交出政权,要求小丑习近平下台谢罪,要求中共法西斯帮凶吴海涛(Wu Haitao)立刻辞职! 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党主席 高艺 中華民國,南京時間,民國112年11月10日 2023年11月10日

【CPRP News】 Bubba Copeland, a conservative right-wing Republican mayor and pastor in the United States, committed suicide after his "private cross-dressing photos" were exposed and cyber-violated by the far-right. In light of this heartbreaking news, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) reaffirms its unwavering support for libertarianism and LGBTQ+ sexual minorities.

  CPRP News Bubba Copeland, a conservative right-wing Republican mayor and pastor in the United States, committed suicide after his "private cross-dressing photos" were exposed and cyber-violated by the far-right. In light of this heartbreaking news, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) reaffirms its unwavering support for libertarianism and LGBTQ+ sexual minorities.

【和革社讯】 美国保守右翼共和党市长兼牧师 Bubba Copeland“私密变装照”遭极右翼“开盒”网暴后自杀。 中华和平革命党(CPRP)就此令人痛心的讯息重申对自由主义和LGBTQ+性少数群体的坚定支持。

 【和革社讯】 美国保守右翼共和党市长兼牧师 Bubba Copeland“私密变装照”遭极右翼“开盒”网暴后自杀。 中华和平革命党(CPRP)就此令人痛心的讯息重申对自由主义和LGBTQ+性少数群体的坚定支持。

【和革社讯】 中华和平革命党 (CPRP)党主席高艺致函美国白宫,对缅因州涉极右翼的凶手发动的恐怖袭击枪击案中的受伤人员和遇害者表示诚挚慰问和哀悼

 【和革社讯】 中华和平革命党 (CPRP)党主席高艺致函美国白宫,对缅因州涉极右翼的凶手发动的恐怖袭击枪击案中的受伤人员和遇害者表示诚挚慰问和哀悼 中华和平革命党(CPRP)宣传部 宣传社

CPRP News Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), recently sent a letter to the U.S. White House expressing her sincere condolences to the injured and victims of the terrorist attack and shooting in Maine, most likely carried out by a murderer involved in the far-right.

 CPRP News Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party  (CPRP), recently sent a letter to the U.S. White House expressing her sincere condolences to the injured and victims of the terrorist attack and shooting in Maine, most likely carried out by a murderer involved in the far-right. Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Propaganda Department Propaganda Society