Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Gao Yi, Chairman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called "Ambassador at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain" Wu Haitao.

 Release of political prisoners! Xi Jinping steps down! Letter of protest from Gao Yi, Chairman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), against the clown Xi Jinping and his so-called "Ambassador at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain" Wu Haitao.

Xi Jinping's clowns and his so-called "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain", Wu Haitao, listen carefully!

Xi Jinping is a dictatorial emperor, and the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a dictatorial pseudo-government. Under Xi's dictatorial rule, the CCP has arrested a large number of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, which fully demonstrates the reactionary nature of Xi Jinping and the CCP. The so-called "Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain", Wu Haitao, is just an accomplice of the clown Xi Jinping's reactionary faction, where did he get so many titles? After the death of the clown Xi Jinping, Wu Haitao, an accomplice of the CCP reactionaries, will probably want to become the new emperor of the fascist CCP.

I, Gao Yi, as Chairman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), now formally demand that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fascists and Xi Jinping's clown Emperor and the CCP fascist reactionary accomplice Wu Haitao immediately release all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in mainland China, and demand that the clown Xi Jinping step down and go away at once! Demand that Wu Haitao apologize to all Chinese people for the Chinese Communist Party's reactionary and anti-people crimes of arresting political prisoners and prisoners of conscience! We demand that Wu Haitao notify Xi Jinping himself of this letter of protest within 12 hours!

We demand that the fascist Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its dictatorship surrender power to the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), that the clown Xi Jinping step down and apologize for his crimes, and that the CCP's fascist accomplice Wu Haitao resign immediately!

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Party Chairman Gao Yi

Republic of China, Nanjing Time, November 10, 112 R.O.C.

November 10, 2023

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