中华和平革命党坚决支持乌克兰政府收复顿内茨克与卢甘斯克,进而收复克里米亚半岛,统一全国。The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party strongly supports the Ukrainian government in recovering Donetsk and Luhansk, and thus the Crimean peninsula, and reunifying the country.


















The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party strongly supports the Ukrainian government in recovering Donetsk and Luhansk, and thus the Crimean peninsula, and reunifying the country.


The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party strongly supports the Ukrainian government in recovering Donetsk and Luhansk and in fighting against the puppet regime set up by the anti-Ukrainian national separatists installed by the Russian dictator and war criminal Vladimir Putin. National division is unpopular and violent terror will be a stigma for all time. Such criminal anti-Ukrainian national separatists, who, under the banner of "national independence", are accomplices of the dictator and Nazi war criminal Vladimir Putin, must be thoroughly exposed and resolutely fought. They are not "independent and progressive revolutionaries", but "dictators and backward puppets". They must be exposed as anti-Ukrainian tools that have been cultivated by the Russian aggressors and used insidiously to fight the Ukrainian government! The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party supports the unification of Ukraine, the recovery of Donetsk and Luhansk, and the recovery of the Crimean peninsula by the Ukrainian government. We wish Ukraine national unity, national solidarity, wealth and prosperity!


The essence of the Donetsk-Lugansk issue is that the Russian dictator, the Nazi war criminal Vladimir Putin, is using the creation of "puppets" to divide and divide Ukraine, thereby weakening it, and then appropriating it, in order to colonize and control it. The Russian Nazis wanted to tear Ukraine apart so that it could be broken up by the Russian Nazis, and ultimately to make the whole of Ukraine a puppet under the dictatorial control of the Russian Nazis, to be dominated and controlled by Russia, to lose all freedom and hope, and to live under the dictatorial terror of the Russian Nazis. There is no question of "independence" for Donetsk and Luhansk, but only of an anti-Ukrainian puppet regime controlled by Putin, the Nazi head of Russia, who wants to divide Ukraine. These people will only undermine the national unity of Ukraine, will only hinder the development of the country, will only assist the Russian Nazis in dividing and polarising Ukraine, and these anti-Ukrainian tools will only serve as proxies and puppets of the Russian Nazi war criminal Vladimir Putin in his attacks on Ukraine.


So. The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party strongly supports the Ukrainian government in recovering Donetsk and Luhansk, and then recovering the Crimean peninsula, unifying the country, and completely defeating the illegal aggression and puppet-planting conspiracy of the Russian Nazis. We in the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party wish for the unification of Ukraine, national unity, prosperity and wealth! And we send our best wishes to the great and brave people of Ukraine! Ukraine will be victorious in the end!


Go Ukraine! Ukraine!


Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party


Party Chairman


Gao Yi


April 10, 2022




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