彭立发支援项目成立公告——传递四通桥革命星火,声援支持彭立发先生。Announcement of the establishment of the Lifa Peng Support Project - Passing on the Starfire of the Sitongqiao Revolution, Solidarity with Mr. Lifa Peng














【彭立发支援项目· 核心任务】
















1)、彭立发支援项目——中华和平革命党(CPRP Lifa Peng Support Project - Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)




2)、彭立发支援群组❤️——中华和平革命党(CPRPLifa Peng Support Group ❤️ - Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)




3)中华和平革命党(CPRP)邮箱 Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Email




4)中华和平革命党(CPRP)推特 Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Twitter




















Announcement of the establishment of the Lifa Peng Support Project - Passing on the Starfire of the Sitongqiao Revolution, Solidarity with Mr. Lifa Peng


Mr. Lifa Peng, a Chinese warrior - a good Chinese man - a Chinese national hero - and the initiator of the revolution in Sitongqiao, Beijing, has been arrested by the Chinese Communist Police and his fate is not yet known.


Mr Lifa Peng's heroic act of publicly opposing Xi Jinping on the eve of the 20th Communist Party Congress has won an overwhelming response from Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad. The fearlessness that Mr. Lifa Peng displayed in defying the communist dictatorial emperor Xi Jinping declared to the world that the Chinese nation would never succumb under the communist Nazi dictatorship! The backbone of the Chinese nation is not broken! The Chinese nation will not perish!


Mr. Lifa Peng, as a peaceful and democratic revolutionary within the Chinese Communist Party, has similar philosophies to our Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), and we both propose a strategic approach to revolution using peaceful means. Mr. Lifa Peng's call for Cai E to save the country and his comparison of Xi Jinping to Yuan Shikai, who usurped the Republic of China to become an emperor, and Mr. Lifa Peng's inheritance of the spirit of the Xinhai Revolution and the May Fourth and June Fourth to oppose autocratic imperialism and retrogressive dictatorship, are all democratic ideas that come together from Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the common democratic pioneer of our Chinese nation, and his founding of the Republic of China. We in the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) have also inherited Dr. Sun's Three Principles of the People, and Mr. Lifa Peng, as a progressive revolutionary leftist within the Chinese Communist Party, is the object of our solidarity and support in the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP).


History will only remember Mr Lifa Peng as a Chinese national hero on 16 October 2022, while Xi Jinping, the dictator of the Communist Emperor who started his third term, will only be referred to and reviled by a thousand people, and will be forever scorned in history and given the name of Yuan Shikai the Second - we call Xi Jinping -Xi Shikai (which means to learn from and inherit from Yuan Shikai).


The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) is here to lead the Lifa Peng Support Project, which will unite all those who care about Mr. Lifa Peng and pass on the revolutionary flame of Sitongqiao in solidarity with Mr. Lifa Peng.


"Lifa Peng Support Project - Core Missions"


1. We will continue to report on Mr. Lifa Peng's heroic acts of democratic revolution against the national traitor Xi Jinping and his call for "Cai E's "Protect the Nation Movement"".


2. We will continue to follow Mr. Lifa Peng's recent developments.


3. We should pay attention to Mr. Lifa Peng's health and life after his arrest by the Chinese Communist Party, and not allow the Chinese Communist Party to poison or kill Mr. Lifa Peng.


4. We will inherit the spirit of the Yellow Bird Operation from our compatriots in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square Movement on June 4, and will unite all forces and do everything possible to rescue Mr. Lifa Peng. The ultimate goal of the operation is for Mr. Lifa Peng to reach overseas safely and avoid the cruel persecution of the Chinese Communist Party.


5. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the safety of Mr. Lifa Peng's family, as it is very likely that the Chinese Communist Party will persecute Mr. Lifa Peng's family.


6We have to pass on the starfire of the revolutionary spirit of Sitongqiao to awaken more people and make the ranks of the Chinese revolution even bigger until the dictatorship of the CCP is overthrown and the democratic freedom of China is restored.


7. Contact details, feel free to join the discussion at.


1)、彭立发支援项目——中华和平革命党(CPRP Lifa Peng Support Project - Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)




2)、彭立发支援群组❤️——中华和平革命党(CPRP Lifa Peng Support Group ❤️ - Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)




3)中华和平革命党(CPRP)邮箱 Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Email




4)中华和平革命党(CPRP)推特 Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Twitter






Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


Party Chairman


Yi Gao


October 15, 2022




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