中华和平革命党(CPRP)强烈谴责中共的伪中国驻英国曼彻斯特领馆人员破坏和平抗议、殴打、拖拽并集体围殴我们中华民国香港沦陷区人民同胞的卑劣恶行!The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) strongly condemns the despicable and vile act of the Chinese Communist Party's pseudo-Chinese Consulate personnel breaking the peaceful protest of Hong Kong people, beating, dragging and mobbing our compatriots in the fallen areas of the Republic of China Hong Kong in Manchester, UK!



























The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) strongly condemns the despicable and vile act of the Chinese Communist Party's pseudo-Chinese Consulate personnel breaking the peaceful protest of Hong Kong people, beating, dragging and mobbing our compatriots in the fallen areas of the Republic of China Hong Kong in Manchester, UK!


The Chinese Communist Party officers tried to drag the Hong Kong anti-communist protesters inside the pseudo-Chinese Communist Party's pseudo-consulate in Manchester, UK, to beat them up because the British police there had no law enforcement powers. This has shown the world in full that the CCP's shamelessness is cross-border.


It is hard to imagine that such a vicious act of beating up peaceful protesters in broad daylight could have taken place in the UK if it were not for the overseas lapdogs of the Chinese Communist dictatorial emperor Xi Jinping beating up people and committing evil acts. This vicious round-up fully demonstrates the shameless and despicable nature of the communist Nazi Chinese Communist fascists. The Communist Nazi Communist Fascists are so arrogant and vicious in Britain - the land of God. It is not difficult for us to imagine what kind of suffering the Chinese people living in the Republic of China mainland and the fallen areas, which were illegally invaded and occupied by the communist Nazi Chinese communist fascists, will be experiencing.


The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) believes that - as this vicious act of transnational violence by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) clearly demonstrates - the CCP fascists are blatantly and transnationally trampling on and insulting the conscience of all of us and the values on which our existence is based --freedom, democracy, rule of law and peace.


The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) strongly calls on the British government to severely punish each and every one of the perpetrators of the violent transnational crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and to deport these offenders. At the same time, CPRP notes that the Chinese Communist Party has set up a number of "overseas 110 - Chinese Communist Police Service Stations" in the UK. We call on the UK government to investigate this matter and prevent the infiltration of Chinese Communist Police in the UK.


We also call on the British government to refrain from maintaining any further diplomatic relations with the communist Nazi Chinese communist fascists, to close all communist pseudo-Chinese consulates in Britain, to completely sever diplomatic relations with the pseudo-Chinese government of communist pseudo-China, and to recognize the sole legitimate representation of the government of the Republic of China to China and to establish official diplomatic relations with the government of the Republic of China.


The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) will always stand firmly with all of us in the fallen areas of Hong Kong, Republic of China, who love freedom and democracy! Republic of China, Free Hong Kong. Oppose the Communist Party of China and the restoration of the Republic of China, Revolution now!


Long live a free Hong Kong! Long live the democratic spirit of the Lion Rock!




Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


Party Chairman


Yi Gao


October 17, 2022

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