Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi photographed or videotaped Gao Yi, Gao Yi's protest against the "China Embassy in Austria", on "China Embassy in Austria's Defense Attaché, Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)" Senior Colonel (Divisional rank) Ji Xinqi (II) [CPRP News Service interview]


Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi photographed or videotaped Gao Yi, Gao Yi’s protest against the “China Embassy in Austria”, on “China Embassy in Austria’s Defense Attaché, Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA)” Senior Colonel (Divisional rank) Ji Xinqi (II) [CPRP News Service interview]

Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi photographed or videotaped Gao Yi, Gao Yi's protest against the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", on "Chinese Embassy in Austria's Defense Attaché, Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)" Senior Colonel (Divisional rank) Ji Xinqi (II) [CPRP News Service interview].


Yesterday, April 7, 2024, Ms. Gao Yi, Chairwoman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), led the CPRP's Information Department to find out that on the afternoon of March 18, 2024, she protested against CCP China in front of the Chinese Embassy in Austria (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria). ) in front of the Communist Chinese Embassy in Austria (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria) to protest against the Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi of the CCP's "Chinese People's Liberation Army" opened the door of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and stood inside the door line of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (inside the door line of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria"). He opened the door of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", stood inside the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" door line (i.e., inside the Chinese Communist Embassy), took out his cell phone and photographed or videotaped President Gao Yi standing on Austrian territory, and then closed the door and left. Some time later, Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi of the Chinese Communist Party's "Chinese People's Liberation Army" walked out of the door of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and stood on Austrian territory and confronted Chairman Gao Yi. While Chairman Gao Yi was filming the confrontation, Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi of the Chinese Communist Party's People's Liberation Army (PLA) saw Chairman Gao Yi filming him and fled back into the Chinese Embassy in Austria, never daring to come out again. He never dared to come out again.

CPRP News Service now interviews Ms. Gao Yi, President of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), for the second time:

CPRP News Service: Hello, Ms. Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP). On April 7, 2024, we found out that on the afternoon of March 18, 2024, when Gao Yi was protesting in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria), the person who took out a cell phone and took pictures or videos of Gao Yi was The person who took out his cell phone to take pictures or videos of Gao Yi while protesting in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria)" was Ji Xinqi, a "Senior Colonel" of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), who then walked out of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" to confront Gao Yi on Austrian soil. How did you feel when you learned about this?

Gao Yi: At that time (March 18, 2024 afternoon), I had a feeling that the person (Ji Xinqi) who took photos or videos of me at the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" had the feeling of a Chinese Communist Party armed policeman or soldier, and he was wearing civilian clothes, so I didn't know his identity at that time, and I hadn't heard of him before. It was not until yesterday that I found out that he (Ji Xinqi) is an active senior officer of the "Chinese People's Liberation Army", with the title "Defense Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Austria", the rank of Senior Colonel, and the rank of Division. Of course, this is only the information that Ji Xinqi has made public. The CCP is very protective of information about senior PLA officers like Ji Xinqi. Even so, I did learn about the school where Ji Xinqi graduated and the degree he earned. But even if the information is publicly available, JI Xinqi's ties to the CCP's military intelligence system are confirmed by the fact that one of the main duties of the "Defense Attaché at the Chinese Embassy in Austria" is to collect foreign military intelligence, and I'm sure that anyone who understands the duties of PLA military diplomats to foreign countries doesn't need me to comment on this point. I believe that anyone who is aware of the duties of military diplomats sent by the PLA to foreign countries does not need much additional information from me on this point.

Gao Yi: Ji Xinqi graduated from the "Institute of International Relations of the CPLA (Nanjing)", if you don't know about this school, you can do a search on your own. I would summarize this school by saying that it is related to the intelligence system of the "General Staff Department of the PLA", especially because it mainly trains military diplomats of the CPLA to collect foreign military intelligence.

Gao Yi: Even from publicly available information, it is clear that Ji Xinqi's background involves high-level connections in the CCP, PLA and diplomatic systems, i.e., Ji Xinqi is involved in the "Chinese Communist Party" system, the "Chinese People's Liberation Army" system, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the CCP military, the intelligence system, the CCP military, and the CCP military. JI Xinqi was involved in the "CPC" system, the "PLA" system, the CCP and the CCP military, the CCP military and the CCP diplomatic system. Of course, Ji Xinqi's rank within the PLA is Senior Colonel, which is equivalent to Brigadier general in Austria.

CPRP News Service: So in your protest against the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria) on the afternoon of March 18, 2024, you were attacked by a brigadier general, the Austrian equivalent of the rank of Brigadier General. JI Xinqi, a senior officer of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) with the rank of Brigadier General, a senior officer of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) with the rank of Division, and a military attaché for defense of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, took photographs or took photographs inside the door line of the "Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Austria". JI Xinqi was photographed or videotaped inside the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" door line? What do you think it says about JI Xinqi when he later came out of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and confronted you, Gao Yi, in Austria, and then fled as soon as you shook your cell phone camera lens? Can you describe what happened?

Gao Yi: Yes, let me describe the situation. On March 18, 2024, I came to the door of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria) to protest against the Chinese Communist Party at 3:00 p.m. I stood in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and stood in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and stood in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria". I stood in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria) and protested under the multiple surveillance cameras of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", I said to the "Chinese Embassy in Austria (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria)": "Chinese Communist Embassy personnel, listen! We are the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party! We are the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, I'm Gao Yi, as I think you already know, and Chinese Communist Party personnel, listen, I'm Gao Yi, we are the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party."

Gao Yi: Then I gave out my Chinese identity card number and Chinese passport number. I continued: I came here today to tell you that we, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, will never accept the dictatorial government of the Chinese Communist Party. We are a political party loyal to the Republic of China. Let me run through history for you. The Chinese Communist Party, according to your view of history, you say that you are the Chinese people, you say that you are of the Chinese nation, and anyone who has read history will understand that you are the puppets of the Soviet Union who invaded the Chinese nation, and that the government of the Republic of China is the real government of the Chinese nation, and that you subverted the government of the Republic of China, and that you invaded the country of our Chinese people. We are a political party loyal to the ROC, we Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, I am Gao Yi. (I then gave out my Chinese ID number and Chinese passport number.) We, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, in accordance with Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of China, are legally authorized to carry out the following activities. We, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, are a political party legally established in the fallen areas of the ROC mainland according to Article 14 of the Constitution of the ROC, and the Constitution of the ROC is the real Constitution of the Chinese people, and the so-called People's Republic of China is only a pseudo-regime, a puppet of the Soviet Union's invasion of China, and we are now requesting that the Chinese Communist Party's puppet regimes, especially these pseudo-bureaucrats sent by the Chinese Communist Party in the Austrian Embassy, come out immediately and surrender to the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, and that the staff of the CCP embassy in Austria surrender to our Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, what exactly are they surrendering to? It is to surrender to the Constitution of the Republic of China, it is to surrender to the legitimacy of the Constitution of the Republic of China in mainland China, it is not to say that the Chinese Communist Party that you have occupied mainland China, you are legitimate, you are an illegitimate government, the most important thing that I came over here is that I want you to surrender, to surrender to the Chinese Communist Party of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, the diplomatic personnel, you are an invader, you are an aggressor. Diplomats, you are combatants in the war of aggression against China, and since there is no armistice agreement between the CCP regime and the ROC government, China's anti-aggression war is still in progress, and if you come out and surrender, you will be treated as prisoners of war according to the Third Geneva Convention. We are here to protect your legitimate rights and interests under the United Nations Convention. There is one more thing that I want to tell you, and that is about the sexual minorities in China, the LGBTQ+ sexual minorities, you know, in the year 2021, the propaganda department of the CCP, how are you treating our transgender community? You know very well who is in charge of the propaganda department of the CCP? It was your then Minister of Propaganda, Huang Kunming, who was in charge of it, and you have turned on all your propaganda machines to slander our transgender community, what kind of life do the transgender community live in mainland China? What kind of life do transgender people in China lead in mainland China? You guys are good, you collect taxes, you drive luxury cars, you live in luxury apartments, you get endless money, but where do the transgender community in China live? In nightclubs, in the backrooms of restaurants, in the invisible corners of bars, do you know how miserable the Chinese transgender community lives? How many people, how many Chinese transgender people have died, not even a voice left behind, and what has your propaganda media done? What kind of life are they living? What a miserable transgender  community, you would know if you knew!Not only are we discriminated against very, very, very seriously in the fallen areas of the Republic of China (ROC) under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but we are also insulted and attacked by your propaganda machine, which treats transgender people as agents of foreign invasion of China, so I'll tell you a little bit about the history of the founding of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP). (Afterwards I showed some flags of the Republic of China and the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party under the surveillance camera of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria). Then I continued: This is the flag of the Republic of China, this is the emblem of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, and over here is the flag of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, let me tell you, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party was founded in September 2021 in the fallen areas of the Republic of China, that is, mainland China. Revolutionary Party, was founded in the fallen area of the Republic of China, that is, mainland China, we were founded in September 2021, the establishment of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party, our party was founded under the pressure of your Chinese Communist Party's public security, special police, secret service surveillance, you just You just didn't catch us, we just came out. When I came out, I was at the Pudong Airport, I was checked by your border guards for two hours, and I was searched clean, my suitcase was searched, all kinds of documents were searched, my cell phone was searched, the chat records were turned over, and all kinds of questions were thrown out to me, but it was no use, I just came out, and I just wanted to make sure that you couldn't catch me, and that was why I came out, and that was why you couldn't catch me. Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party is in June 2021, in the Republic of China mainland fallen area of Jiangsu Province began to plan the formation of a political party, September 8, 2021, we formally the party formed, designed the party flag party logo.

(After "Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi, Defense Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, Chinese People's Liberation Army" opened the door of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and stood on the side of the Chinese Embassy inside the door line, Ji Xinqi took his cell phone out of his pants and took a picture or video of me, Gao Yi, and then I realized that Ji Xinqi was taking a picture or video of me for several seconds. Jixinqi took out his cell phone from his pants and took a picture or video of me, Gao Yi, and Jixinqi continued to take pictures or videos of me for several seconds, and then I realized that Jixinqi was taking pictures or videos of me, and Jixinqi realized that I saw him taking pictures or videos of me, and then Jixinqi took pictures or videos of me for about one second, and then Jixinqi put the cell phone down, and Jixinqi closed the door after that. Some time later, JI Xinqi came out of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and confronted me on Austrian territory, standing roughly one to two meters away from me with his arms folded across his chest. And Ji Xinqi talked to the Austrian police for some time.)

Gao Yi: In order to record the situation, I picked up my cell phone and filmed myself and Jixinqi in the same shot, but when Jixinqi realized that I was filming him, he was very alert and quickly lowered his arms across his chest and quickly ran away from my camera, giving me the impression that Jixinqi was running away from the scene. Jixinqi seemed very, very reluctant to be recorded by my camera. The Austrian police then let me out of the door of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria) and told me to protest elsewhere.

CPRP News Service: Chairman Gao Yi, you described in great detail your protest in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria) on March 18, 2024, and also described how the "Chinese Embassy's Defense Ministry in Austria" was not allowed to protest. What do you think it says about the actions of "Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi, Defense Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, People's Liberation Army", who photographed or videotaped you during your protest, and who confronted you face-to-face on Austrian soil? Especially in light of what we have since discovered about Jixin Qi's military background in the "Chinese People's Liberation Army"?

Gao Yi: Ji Xinqi was the second highest ranking leader of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and the first highest ranking military leader of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" who confronted me when I, Gao Yi, was protesting against the Chinese Communist Party of China and the "Chinese Embassy in Austria". The fact that JI Xinqi photographed or videotaped me while I was protesting against CCP China and the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", and then walked into Austria to confront me, indicates that this is a very rare event, and in particular that I was lucky enough to capture this rare event with my cell phone camera, which is very rare, and even more unexpected, on April 7, 2024, I learned the identity of JI Xinqi, who is the second-ranking leader of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and the top-ranking military leader of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria". JI Xinqi's identity, JI Xinqi is the "Defense Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, the Chinese People's Liberation Army" Division Senior Colonel (Senior Colonel), which is even more rare, both JI Xinqi's identity as a senior officer of the Chinese Communist People's Liberation Army, and JI Xinqi's identity I learned, are very, very rare events! .

Gao Yi: The actions of "Senior Colonel Ji Xinqi, Defense Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, People's Liberation Army", who photographed or videotaped me during my protest at the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" on March 18, 2024, and the series of actions of Ji Xinqi who later walked out of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and confronted me in Austria, are very rare and serious. The photographing or videotaping of me by JI Xinqi, a Senior Colonel of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), during the protests at the Chinese Embassy in Austria, and his subsequent confrontation with me, Gao Yi, outside of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, are all rare and serious examples of the Chinese Communist Party's "Chinese military" investigations into the political nature of the political opposition leader, Gao Yi, in China. The political investigation and tracking of my Gao Yi by the Chinese Communist Party's "Chinese People's Liberation Army" senior military officer JI Xinqi, and the taking of photographs or videos of my Gao Yi are clear acts of investigation and tracking, and the photographs or videos of my Gao Yi by the Chinese Communist Party's "Chinese People's Liberation Army" senior military officer JI Xinqi are clear acts of investigation and tracking. The photographs or videos of me taken by JI Xinqi, a senior officer of the Chinese Communist Party's "Chinese People's Liberation Army", are evidence that the Chinese Communist Party's "Chinese Government" is investigating and tracking Gao Yi, and will be clues that the Chinese Communist Party, government and military systems are taking political revenge on Gao Yi, and that senior officer of the Chinese Communist Party's "Chinese People's Liberation Army", JI Xinqi, took photographs or video recordings of me. JI Xinqi, a senior officer of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese People's Liberation Army, took photos or videos of my Gao Yi, which objectively and adequately shows that the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese government and the Chinese People's Liberation Army have already started to investigate and track down my Gao Yi, indicating that my Gao Yi is being investigated and tracked. This indicates that my Gao Yi's opposition to the CPC and the "Chinese Government" has already been investigated and traced by the "Chinese Communist Party", the "Chinese Government" and the "Chinese People's Liberation Army". "Chinese People's Liberation Army, which means that my Gao Yi has now become the subject of investigation and tracking by the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Government and the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The facts have clearly proved that the CCP, the Chinese government and the PLA have begun investigating and tracking Gao Yi, and that the CCP, the Chinese government and the PLA are investigating and tracking a political opposition leader like Gao Yi for the purpose of confrontation, and definitely for the purpose of political retaliation. This can be confirmed by the fact that JI Xinqi, a senior officer of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), came out of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" to confront Gao Yi with me in Austria.

Gao Yi: It can be said that from the moment on March 18, 2024, when JI Xinqi, a senior officer of the "Chinese People's Liberation Army", photographed or videotaped me, Gao Yi, the "Chinese Communist Party" was objectively and unambiguously stated, Chinese government", the "Chinese People's Liberation Army" and the "Chinese diplomatic system" started to follow and investigate my Gao Yi, because my Gao Yi had been arrested at the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" and the "Chinese Embassy in Beijing". The fact that my Gao Yi's influential political protests against the CCP and the "government of the People's Republic of China" in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" suggests that my Gao Yi's anti-communist political activities have attracted the observation and attention of the CCP's party, government, military and diplomatic system. attention.

Gao Yi: It is worth stating that I, Gao Yi, have been openly opposing the "Communist Party of China" and the "Chinese Government" of the CPC on the Internet since November 1, 2021, and as of March 18, 2024, I, Gao Yi, have been carrying out continuous political opposition activities for 29 months against the "Communist Party of China" and the "Chinese Government" of the CPC. On March 18, 2024, I, Gao Yi, had already carried out 29 months of continuous political opposition activities against the "Communist Party of China" and the "Chinese Government" of the CPC.  "Chinese Embassy in Austria" on the afternoon of March 18, 2024, not only was my political protest against the CCP and the "Government of the People's Republic of China" investigated and tracked by the CCP government and military and the CCP foreign affairs system, but also the publicized Internet protests that I carried out in the 29 months prior to March 18, 2024 were also investigated and tracked by the CCP government and military and the CCP diplomatic system. In other words, Gao Yi will be investigated and tracked by the CCP and the CCP diplomatic system, whether it is my political protests in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" or my political protests in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", or my political protests in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", or my political protests in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria". "in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", or the political protests against the Chinese Communist Party and the "Government of the People's Republic of China", or my public Internet activities against the Chinese Communist Party and the "Government of the People's Republic of China" in the 29 months prior to March 18, 2024, will also be investigated.  This is what will inevitably happen when the CCP's party, government, military, and diplomatic systems track and investigate my Gao Yi.

CPRP News Service: Of course, there are many surveillance cameras in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", which also recorded your behavior and words, so the Chinese Communist Party should be able to easily retrieve the video and audio recordings of your protest.

Gao Yi: Yes, it is very common for surveillance cameras to have recording capabilities, and it is certain that my behavior and words in front of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria" were recorded by the CCP surveillance cameras, and I had the courage to protest against the CCP government. But the CCP military seemed to think that it was not enough for the CCTV cameras to record me, but also for Ji Xinqi, a senior officer of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), to open the door of the "Chinese Embassy in Austria", and Ji Xinqi recorded me again on his cell phone! CPRP News Service: There was some kind of active warning and threat that I, Gao Yi, had been videotaped or photographed by the Chinese Communist military, did you experience that threat and warning?

CPRP News Service: It does have some of that feeling.

Gao Yi: Let's talk about that today, we'll talk about it next time.

CPRP News Service: Okay, thank you very much for the interview.

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Chairman Gao Yi

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Propaganda Department CPRP News Service

Republic of China, Nanjing Time, April 8, 113 R.O.C. (April 8, 2024)

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