Gao Yi objected to the fact that she was fined by the Austrian police for protesting against the China Embassy in Austria after it was suspected that the China Embassy had reported her to the Austrian police.

 Gao Yi objected to the fact that she was fined by the Austrian police for protesting against the China Embassy in Austria after it was suspected that the China Embassy had reported her to the Austrian police.

On the afternoon of March 18, 2024, Gao Yi protested against the Chinese Communist Party of China in front of the China's Embassy in Austria (Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria). (I've already sent a number of articles about the situation, but the short summary is that while I, Gao Yi, was protesting in front of the China's Embassy, JI Xinqi, Senior Colonel, (Division rank) at the China Embassy in Austria, took pictures or videos of me, Gao Yi. (Senior Colonel, (Division rank) photographed or videotaped my Gao Yi while I was protesting in front of the China Embassy.

Jixinqi then confronted me, and the Senior Colonel talked to the Austrian police for some time). The next day the Austrian police in Vienna issued a fine notice to Gao Yi for 50 Euros.

For details see:

<The China Embassy in Austria may have made a malicious report of political retaliation against Gao Yi, which led to Gao Yi being fined by the Austrian police.>

On March 27, 2024, Gao Yi sent an objection to the Austrian police, the core of which was that I objected to all the penalties imposed on me by the Austrian police in Vienna on March 19, 2024, for factors related to my protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Austria on March 18, 2024: see picture

The core is:

(Der Vorwurf, ich hätte durch "lautes Herumschreien" ungebührlicherweise Lärm erregt, ist an den Haaren herbeigezogen. Ich habe friedlich und in einer der belebten Gegend angebrachten Lautstärke meinen Protest gegen das Unrechtsregime der kommunistischen Partei Chinas vor der chinesischen Botschaft zum Ausdruck gebracht. In unmittelbarer Umgebung befanden sich mehrere sehr laute Baustellen. Ich wurde vom Lärm dieser Baustellen regelmäßig übertönt, wie auf einem Video des Vorfalls klar zu erkennen.


Eine Lärmbelästigung am hellichten Tag in einer belebten Gegend ging wenn überhaupt von diesen Baustellen und nicht von mir aus. Weiters habe ich meinen Protest vor der Botschaft sofort beendet, als ich von der Polizei angesprochen wurde. Die Verhängung einer Strafe war überzogen; eine Ermahnung hätte genügt.)

Translation:(The accusation that I caused undue noise by "shouting loudly" is far-fetched. I was peacefully expressing my protest against the Chinese Communist Party's unjust regime in front of the Chinese embassy at a volume appropriate to the busy area. There were several very noisy construction sites in the immediate vicinity. I was regularly drowned out by the noise of these construction sites, as can be clearly seen on a video of the incident.


Noise pollution in broad daylight in a busy area was caused by these construction sites, if at all, and not by me. Furthermore, I immediately ended my protest in front of the embassy when I was approached by the police. The imposition of a fine was excessive; a warning would have sufficed.)

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Party Chairperson Ms. Gao Yi

Republic of China, Nanjing Time, R.O.C. 113 (April 11, 2024)

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