A second public letter of questioning sent to many Chinese Communist Party (CCP) embassies and ambassadors in Europe and the European Union by Ms Gao Yi, party chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), on whether Qi Mei (亓玫/齐玫), the CCP’s ambassador at the Austrian embassy, is Xi Jinping’s cousin!


A second public letter of questioning sent to many Chinese Communist Party (CCP) embassies and ambassadors in Europe and the European Union by Ms Gao Yi, party chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), on whether Qi Mei (亓玫/齐玫), the CCP's ambassador at the Austrian embassy, is Xi Jinping's cousin!


Ms Gao Yi, Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), for the second time questioned and requested the CCP foreign officials such as the CCP Ambassadors in Europe and the European Union and the relevant CCP organisations to clarify whether the CCP Ambassador at the CCP Embassy in Austria, Qi Mei (亓玫/齐玫) is the cousin of the CCP Emperor Xi Jinping? and ask you to comment on the relevant reports. We also demand that the ambassadors of all CCP embassies in Europe and the Ambassador of the CCP Embassy in Austria, Qi Mei (亓玫/齐玫) resign immediately and in general!


There are some rumours that the ambassador of the Communist Embassy in Austria, Qi Mei (亓玫/齐玫) is Xi Jinping's cousin, another scandal in the family of your CCP Emperor Xi Jinping!


Ms. Gao Yi, President of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), has asked all embassy officials and ambassadors of the Chinese Communist dictatorship in Europe and the European Union to comment on the rumour that Qi Mei (亓玫/齐玫) the Ambassador of the Chinese Communist Embassy in Austria is the cousin of Xi Jinping (习近平), by 0:00 am [ROC Nanking Time]: 24 December 112th (0:00 am 24 December 2023), and to give her opinion on the matter of Xi Jinping's cousin. 


At the same time, Ms. Gao Yi, President of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), demanded that the ambassadors of all CCP embassies in Europe and the ambassador of the CCP embassy in Austria, Qi Mei (Qi Mei/Qi Mei), resign from their posts before 0:00 a.m. on 24th December, 112th, Republic of China (R.O.C.) (24th December, 2023, before 0:00 a.m.), or else they will suffer the consequences!


Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


Ms Gao Yi, Party Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


Republic of China, Nanjing Time, 20 December 112th R.O.C.


20 December, 2023

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