我们党悼念所有死于皇帝习近平和中宣部制造的中共红色恐怖的中国跨娘。 We at CPRP Party mourn all the Chinese trans women who have died as a result of the CCP's Red Terror created by the CCP's dictatorial Emperor Xi Jinping and the CCP's Propaganda Department. 中华和平革命党(CPRP)跨娘女主席 高艺 Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Transwoman Chairperson Gao Yi
We at CPRP Party mourn all the Chinese trans women who have died as a result of the CCP's Red Terror created by the CCP's dictatorial Emperor Xi Jinping and the CCP's Propaganda Department.
中华和平革命党(CPRP)跨娘女主席 高艺
Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Transwoman Chairperson Gao Yi