中华和平革命党现在已经将所掌握的有关新冠疫情起源的线索和有关中共军方正在秘密研究和制造大规模杀伤性生物化学武器的情报分享给了以下这些组织The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party has now shared the leads it has on the origins of the New Crown epidemic and information that the Chinese Communist military is secretly researching and manufacturing biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction with the following organizations

中华和平革命党现在已经将所掌握的有关新冠疫情起源的线索和有关中共军方正在秘密研究和制造大规模杀伤性生物化学武器的情报分享给了以下这些组织The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party has now shared the leads it has on the origins of the New Crown epidemic and information that the Chinese Communist military is secretly researching and manufacturing biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction with the following organizations

联合国United Nations

联合国人权事务高级专员办事处Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

联合国人权理事会的特别程序Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council

世卫组织联合国办事处WHO Office at the United Nations

世卫组织欧洲联盟办事处The WHO Representation Office to the European Union

中华民国国家安全局National Security Bureau R.O.C

美国中央情报局Central Intelligence Agency

美国联邦调查局Federal Bureau of Investigation

美国国家安全局National Security Agency

美国国家反恐中心National Counterterrorism Center

美国国家情报主任办公室Office of the Director of National Intelligence

英国秘密情报局Secret Intelligence Service

加拿大国家安全情报局Canadian Security Intelligence Service


澳洲安全情报组织Australian Security Intelligence Organization


德国之声Deutsche Welle

自由亚洲电台Radio Free Asia













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