Celebrating the First Anniversary of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


Celebrating the First Anniversary of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


September 8, 2022 marks the first anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP).


One year ago today, I secretly recorded a video announcing the founding of the CPRP in Jiangsu Province, a fallen area of the Republic of China. I first had the idea of establishing an opposition party in June 2021, and I felt that it would be of great historical significance to establish an opposition party in the fallen areas of the ROC before the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party. So in June 2021 I started planning for the establishment of the party. I did some iterative revision and refinement of the text and design from July to August 2021, and by September 8, 2021 I secretly recorded a video, and thus the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) was born.


There is also a story about the flag and emblem of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP); in early 2021, Communist China began promoting an issue called "preventing the feminisation of male youth", or the strengthening of so-called "masculinity". It was around this time that I could clearly sense a change in attitude towards sexual minorities like myself, and from what I knew about the communist Nazi fascists, this controversial tactic was used to create momentum for further political campaigns.


In early 2021, I had a keen sense that MTF sexual minorities like myself - were bound to suffer further stigmatisation by the CCP in the future. Apparently this happened in the second half of 2021 as well.


It was also in this tense atmosphere that I designed our Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) flag and emblem - with rainbow flag elements. When I was still in the fallen areas, I thought - how proud it would make me if I did make these public.


The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) was established in secret under the Red Terror of the Communist Nazi Chinese Communist Party. Even though I took a lot of security measures to prevent the Chinese Communist Party from finding out, who could guarantee that everything would be safe? So I did take a very big risk in establishing the party in mainland China. But history has come to this moment, and an opposition party is bound to be established.


In the year since its establishment, the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) has indeed been subjected to infiltration and phishing attacks from various quarters, especially from the communist Nazi fascists and their followers, and this has indeed shown us the despicable methods used by the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate our party.


In the year since the CPRP was founded, our party has gained a deeper and clearer understanding of both international and domestic politics, a level of political sophistication that has been honed through practice.


In the year since the CPRP was founded, the Party has developed a number of members and branches in the fallen areas of the mainland, which is an initial achievement of our Party.


Since its inception, our party has also had many shortcomings - for example, the ideological and theoretical work has not been perfected, the party organization is not strictly tight, the focus of propaganda work is shifted, the means of struggle are not diverse enough, etc. ...... If we are to talk about shortcomings, we can actually summarize too many more There are too many of them ......


Only when we recognise our shortcomings can we make progress.


In this way, I think the CPRP will make even greater and more progress in the future!


In early November 2021, I publicly promoted the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) for the first time.


On September 8, 2022, we spend our first birthday with the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) for the first time!


Happy Birthday! Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)!



Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


Party Chairman


Gao Yi


8 September 2022

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