Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) seriously warns Dictator Putin - nuclear blackmail is self-defeating!

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) seriously warns Dictator Putin - nuclear blackmail is self-defeating! While we rejoice that the great Ukraine is liberating its land from Russian Nazi aggression step by step, the dictator Vladimir Putin - Hitler's successor in the new era - starts wielding the "nuclear weapons stick" in an attempt to terrorize and blackmail human civilization There is no doubt that Putin has expressed his willingness to use nuclear weapons at all costs - even if the whole of human civilisation is destroyed - if mankind does not give eastern Ukraine to the Russian Nazis in accordance with his "imperial decree". Of course, Dictator Putin certainly doesn't care whether the good people of Russia against the war are dead or alive. Yes, there is no doubt that Putin is on the opposite side of human civilization. The threat of "nuclear blackmail" is a threat to the whole of human civilisation, and therefore Putin is the enemy of humanity! Because he wants to achieve his goal of annexing Ukraine by means of nuclear war. But his dumb little brain, like a "wooden fish", can't imagine that - even if nuclear weapons were used - Putin would not achieve his goal, but would simply make the Russian Nazis even more completely extinct in the history of human civilization. Putin will follow in Hitler's footsteps and the Russian nation will be buried by the dictator Putin. It is possible that mankind will revive again after a nuclear war, but Russia - the originator of that criminal nuclear war that started the destruction of mankind - will completely and forever and ever go up in smoke in human civilization like Nazi Germany and Hitler. Do not think that your fascist Chinese Communist powerbrokers in Communist China can help you, the Communist Nazi Emperor Xi Jinping will also be overthrown by the brave Chinese people! No one in the land of the Chinese nation likes dictators, and even less would support the anti-human terrorist organisation Russian Nazis, except for the Communist Nazi Chinese Communist Fascists who are in cahoots with the Russian Nazis. The real cowards often think they are warriors, and the most ignorant think they are full of knowledge. Putin's so-called "strength" is a symbol of cowardice - like the monkeys who try to threaten mankind by breaking porcelain, and are as angry as a dog in a hurry. The moment the dictator Putin starts a nuclear war is the moment when the Russian Nazis are doomed, like Hitler, to total annihilation. If the Russian Nazis "play with fire" and use nuclear weapons in war to harm human civilization, then we will join all the brave men and women of the earth who are willing to protect human civilization in an unyielding and continuous struggle against the Russian Nazi anti-humanists until the Russian Nazis are completely wiped out from the face of the earth. At the same time, the Chinese national liberation movement led by the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) will definitely liberate and return to the Chinese nation the entire Xianbeian (Siberian) area east of the Ural Mountains, which has been our inherent sphere of influence since ancient times. No one should be ruled for life by a terrorist organisation that destroys human civilisation. Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Party Chairman Gao Yi September 21, 2022

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