Raising the banner of the liberal democratic left wing, we will take advantage of the victory and make a bold move to resolutely and thoroughly combat the once unbeatable arrogance of the extreme right-wing disinformation and conspiracy theory anti-science Nazis and gangs.

 Raising the banner of the liberal democratic left wing, we will take advantage of the victory and make a bold move to resolutely and thoroughly combat the once unbeatable arrogance of the extreme right-wing disinformation and conspiracy theory anti-science Nazis and gangs.

The far right is always good at disguising and deceiving people. Democracy and freedom itself are the values of the liberal democratic left, but the far right not only supports extreme right-wing conservatism, but also tries to have a so-called "voice" in the democratic movement of the Chinese people, which is really self-deceiving. Like their childish deception, they have become the "emperor's new clothes", comparable to the Chinese Communist Party.

In the past two years, the extreme right wing has removed its disguise and revealed its fierce claws and teeth. They have recklessly attacked American democracy, denigrated liberalism, and embraced the extreme right-wing American populist leader of the 2020 U.S. election loser. Even in the face of hard facts, they continue to speak for themselves, to argue and to turn black and white upside down. 2 years later, they are still unrepentant, lurking and arguing, hoping to "rise again" at any time to continue to plague the democratic world.

Fortunately, the people's eyes are discerning, and the childish tricks and shameless schemes of these far-right Nazi disinformation, conspiracy theories, anti-science elements and gangs have been thoroughly seen by the people of the world. These extreme right-wing Nazi disinformation, conspiracy theories, anti-science elements and gangs have become rats in the street and have no room or hiding place for sophistry and sophistry in the sea of liberal democratic left-wing people all over the world. What awaits them will be one crisp "slap" after another from the sea of liberal democratic left-wing people, and these extreme right-wing Nazis and gangs will have to hide in their nasty, crazy stratosphere and continue to languish.

We can clearly see that the despicable shenanigans of these extreme right-wing Nazi-like disinformation, conspiracy theory, anti-science elements and groups trying to hijack the democratic revolution of the Chinese people are doomed to fail, no matter how they disguise themselves. The eyes of the people are discerning, and the Chinese people know that China's democratic revolution must rely on the scientific and strong leadership of China's liberal progressive national democratic left in order to succeed, while relying on the deceitful, deceitful, god-seeking and absurd personal worship of right-wing Nazi disinformation, conspiracy theories, anti-science elements and gangs is bound to lead to a dismal failure that will be scorned by all.

Obviously we know the dirty roots of these far-right Nazi-like disinformation, conspiracy theory, anti-science elements and gangs. They support far-right populism in the United States, they support far-right militaristic nationalism in Japan, they support far-right fascism in Italy, they support all kinds of far-right conservatism in Europe and South America, and they even support far-right violent terrorist organizations, and they are racist on the Internet, they discriminate against blacks, they discriminate against Chinese, they discriminate against refugees. They attack the values of the liberal democratic left, and all the "theoretical pillars" of the far right are their ridiculous and childish belief in the Chinese Communist Party's self-proclaimed lie that "communism is left-wing". They do not know the difference between "left-wing" and "leftist", but they shamelessly make a lot of statements on the Internet, "talking in a big way" to attack the liberal democratic left --In the name of freedom of expression, they have been manipulating the Internet to falsify comments by manipulating the volume of comments. They think this is enough to deceive the ignorant people, but reality has taught them a hard lesson ......

The good news is: in the past two years, they, the far-right, have lost badly and completely, and they have lost from the east coast of the Pacific to the west coast of the Pacific :)

We can clearly see that more and more people are waking up and starting to jump out of the thatch pit dug by the far-right. The Chinese people must not be deceived by the Communist Nazis, the Communist Chinese far-right fascists, and then by these shameless offshore far-right Nazi-like disinformation, conspiracy theories, anti-science elements and gangs, both of which are essentially the same.

These extreme right-wingers still think they can "rise again", they don't want to give up their illusions, they don't want to recognize the reality, and one after another defeat awaits them.

The democratic movement of the Chinese people is an advanced and selfless national revolutionary movement, and any person or organization that wants to use the democratic movement of the Chinese people for their own personal use will pay the price.

It is absolutely impossible for the liberal democratic left to "collude" with these extreme right-wing Nazi disinformation, conspiracy theory, and anti-science elements and groups, and we know what these shameless people are.

We have been, are, and will continue to raise the banner of the liberal democratic left and to fight the most thorough and uncompromising struggle against extreme right-wing Nazi disinformation, conspiracy theories, anti-science elements and gangs, and communist-Nazi-communist-right-wing fascists.

We believe that victory was, is, and will be ours! Because we are the real people!

We must build on our victory and make a bold move to resolutely and thoroughly combat the once unbeatable arrogance of the far-right disinformation and conspiracy theory anti-science Nazi elements and groups!

China's liberal progressive national democratic left will soon and surely carry the historical banner of the Chinese revolution forward! Until the final victory of the Chinese Revolution is won!

Long live freedom! Long live democracy! Long live the people! Long live peace!

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)

Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Central Party Headquarters

Party Chairman

Yi Gao 

December 22, 2022

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