Statement by Ms. Gao Yi on the protest demonstration in front of the China Embassy in Austria on the afternoon of 18 March 2024 Male diplomatic officials of the China Embassy in Austria photographed or videotaped me, Gao Yi, in front of the China Embassy in Austria, and male diplomatic officials of the China Embassy in Austria spoke with the Austrian police, and eventually I, Gao Yi, was asked to leave from in front of the China Embassy in Austria

 Statement by Ms. Gao Yi on the protest demonstration in front of the China Embassy in Austria on the afternoon of 18 March 2024 Male diplomatic officials of the China Embassy in Austria photographed or videotaped me, Gao Yi, in front of the China Embassy in Austria, and male diplomatic officials of the China Embassy in Austria spoke with the Austrian police, and eventually I, Gao Yi, was asked to leave from in front of the China Embassy in Austria



My name is Gao Yi, and I summoned up all my courage to demonstrate and protest against the Chinese Communist Party in front of the China Embassy in Austria in Vienna, Austria, on March 18, 2024, at about 16:00 p.m. Austrian time. During the demonstration, I stood under several CCP surveillance cameras in front of the China Embassy in Austria, and I held a shouting megaphone and shouted in protest to the China Embassy in Austria. During the shouting, I clearly informed the China Embassy in Austria that I am Gao Yi, Chairman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), as well as my Chinese ID number and Chinese passport number. I seriously denounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), supported the Republic of China (ROC), and criticized the CCP's oppression of the transgender community in China, and I also demanded that the China's embassy officials in Austria immediately surrender to the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), and I also explained to the China's embassy in Austria that the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), and I also explained to the China Embassy in Austria the founding of the CPRP, and the two-hour long inspection and interrogation of my Gao Yi by the border police of the Chinese Communist regime when I was leaving China at the Pudong Airport in Shanghai, China. At the same time, I showed the Chinese Embassy in Austria the national flag of the Republic of China and the flag and emblem of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP).


Later, two Austrian police cars carrying several Austrian police officers came to the scene to understand the situation, and at this time, a male Chinese diplomatic official inside the China Embassy in Austria opened the door of the China Embassy in Austria, and this male diplomatic official of the China Embassy in Austria took out a cell phone from his trouser pocket and photographed or videotaped me. After photographing or videotaping me, the male Chinese diplomatic official of the Chinese Embassy in Austria closed the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria and went back. (All of the above is on video)


Afterwards, when the Austrian police were checking me, this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria came out of the Chinese Embassy in Austria again, and this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria stood in front of me and talked with the Austrian police for a few minutes, and I am not clear about what the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria and the Austrian police talked about, but I was eventually asked to leave from the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria by the Austrian police. asked to leave through the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria. Moreover, judging from the actions of the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria and the fact that I heard the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria say "Video" several times, it is possible that the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria wanted me to delete the video that I had recorded during my protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Austria. It is likely that the male diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in Austria was also unhappy with my protesting and videotaping in front of the Chinese Embassy in Austria.


This male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria had short hair and crossed his arms in front of his chest, standing in front of the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, he was wearing light-colored pants, a black vest and a purple checkered long-sleeved shirt. I used my cell phone to videotape this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, but this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria seemed to be very afraid that I was videotaping him, as soon as the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria saw that my camera was videotaping him, he immediately dropped his arms which were originally placed in front of his chest, and very quickly ran away from my videotape, at which time the Austrian The Austrian police also stopped me from filming. (Video footage is available above.)


 Then the male diplomat from the Chinese Embassy in Austria went back inside the Chinese Embassy in Austria, closed the door and never came out again.


After that, I followed the advice of the Austrian police and walked to the intersection of the street where the Chinese Embassy in Austria is located, and continued my demonstration and protest against the CCP at the intersection.


Gao Yi


Party Chairwoman, Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


March 22, 2024

Statement by Ms. Gao Yi on the protest demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy in Austria on the afternoon of 18 March 2024 Male diplomatic officials of the China Embassy in Austria photographed or videotaped me, Gao Yi, in front of the China Embassy in Austria, and male diplomatic officials of the China Embassy in Austria spoke with the Austrian police, and eventually I, Gao Yi, was asked to leave from in front of the China Embassy in Austria


My name is Gao Yi, and I summoned up all my courage to demonstrate and protest against the Chinese Communist Party in front of the China Embassy in Austria in Vienna, Austria, on March 18, 2024, at about 16:00 p.m. Austrian time. During the demonstration, I stood under several CCP surveillance cameras in front of the China Embassy in Austria, and I held a shouting megaphone and shouted in protest to the China Embassy in Austria. During the shouting, I clearly informed the China Embassy in Austria that I am Gao Yi, Chairman of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), as well as my Chinese ID number and Chinese passport number. I seriously denounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), supported the Republic of China (ROC), and criticized the CCP's oppression of the transgender community in China, and I also demanded that the China's embassy officials in Austria immediately surrender to the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), and I also explained to the China's embassy in Austria that the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), and I also explained to the China Embassy in Austria the founding of the CPRP, and the two-hour long inspection and interrogation of my Gao Yi by the border police of the Chinese Communist regime when I was leaving China at the Pudong Airport in Shanghai, China. At the same time, I showed the Chinese Embassy in Austria the national flag of the Republic of China and the flag and emblem of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP).


Later, two Austrian police cars carrying several Austrian police officers came to the scene to understand the situation, and at this time, a male Chinese diplomatic official inside the China Embassy in Austria opened the door of the China Embassy in Austria, and this male diplomatic official of the China Embassy in Austria took out a cell phone from his trouser pocket and photographed or videotaped me. After photographing or videotaping me, the male Chinese diplomatic official of the Chinese Embassy in Austria closed the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria and went back. (All of the above is on video)


Afterwards, when the Austrian police were checking me, this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria came out of the Chinese Embassy in Austria again, and this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria stood in front of me and talked with the Austrian police for a few minutes, and I am not clear about what the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria and the Austrian police talked about, but I was eventually asked to leave from the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria by the Austrian police. asked to leave through the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria. Moreover, judging from the actions of the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria and the fact that I heard the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria say "Video" several times, it is possible that the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria wanted me to delete the video that I had recorded during my protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Austria. It is likely that the male diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in Austria was also unhappy with my protesting and videotaping in front of the Chinese Embassy in Austria.


This male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria had short hair and crossed his arms in front of his chest, standing in front of the door of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, he was wearing light-colored pants, a black vest and a purple checkered long-sleeved shirt. I used my cell phone to videotape this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, but this male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria seemed to be very afraid that I was videotaping him, as soon as the male diplomat of the Chinese Embassy in Austria saw that my camera was videotaping him, he immediately dropped his arms which were originally placed in front of his chest, and very quickly ran away from my videotape, at which time the Austrian The Austrian police also stopped me from filming. (Video footage is available above.)


 Then the male diplomat from the Chinese Embassy in Austria went back inside the Chinese Embassy in Austria, closed the door and never came out again.


After that, I followed the advice of the Austrian police and walked to the intersection of the street where the Chinese Embassy in Austria is located, and continued my demonstration and protest against the CCP at the intersection.


Gao Yi


Party Chairwoman, Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)


March 22, 2024

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