The China Embassy in Austria may have made a malicious report of political retaliation against Gao Yi, which led to Gao Yi being fined by the Austrian police.


The China Embassy in Austria may have made a malicious report of political retaliation against Gao Yi, which led to Gao Yi being fined by the Austrian police.


On the afternoon of March 18, 2024, Gao Yi protested against the Chinese Communist Party in front of the China Embassy in Austria.


On the morning of March 19, 2024, the Austrian police in Vienna mailed a fine of 50 Euros to Gao Yi for protesting in front of the China Embassy in Austria on the afternoon of March 18, 2024.

At noon on March 20, 2024, Gao Yi learned from a conversation with the Austrian police in Vienna that someone had already reported to the Austrian police that Gao Yi had used a hand-held shouting device, and Gao Yi asked the Austrian police who had reported him. The Austrian police said it was not clear who reported it, anyway, it was someone who reported it.


On the morning of March 25, 2024, Gao Yi received a fine letter from the Austrian police in Vienna, which marked the reason for the fine and the time and place, that is, the use of a hand-held shouting device at the China Embassy in Austria (1030 Vienna, Metternichgasse 4,) at about 16:00 p.m. on March 18, 2024.


Gao Yi was protesting and demonstrating to the Chinese Embassy in Austria on the afternoon of March 18, 2024, and there was also very loud construction noise all around, but it was against Gao Yi that someone reported it. In fact, Gao Yi's handheld shouting device was not very loud compared to the surrounding construction noise. Gao Yi believes that the informant was probably a diplomatic official from the Chinese Embassy, which is supported by the Austrian police's fine letter, which states the location where Gao Yi was reported (1030 Vienna, Metternichgasse 4). It is very likely that the report against Gao Yi is a way for the China Embassy in Austria to maliciously and skillfully use Austrian law to take political revenge against Gao Yi.


Below is the letter from the Austrian police fining Gao Yi:





Gao Yi solemnly protests against the China Embassy in Austria!




Gao Yi


March 25, 2024

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