A Plea for Freedom: The Story of Yi GAO

A Plea for Freedom: The Story of Yi GAO

My name is Yi GAO, a transgender woman who, in the shadows of repression, dared to dream of democracy and freedom for my homeland. In September 2021, under the cloak of secrecy, I founded the China Peaceful Revolution Party (CPRP), a beacon of hope in the struggle against tyranny, aimed at reclaiming the spirit of the Republic of China from the clutches of the Communist Party. Inspired by the ideals of Sun Yat-sen and George Washington, I stand firm in my allegiance to the Republic of China and vehemently oppose the encroachments upon Taiwan by the Communist regime. In November 2021, I sought refuge in the bastion of freedom, Austria, continuing my fight against the Communist Party's oppression. In Austria, I embraced my identity, living openly as the woman I am, and tirelessly campaigned for the values I hold dear. Yet, on the 8th of March, 2024, my plea for asylum was unjustly denied by the Austrian authorities, thrusting me into the abyss of despair. From that day, I found myself teetering on the brink of being forcibly returned to the jaws of the beast I fled. Austria has given me a mere six weeks to appeal this decision, with a harrowing ultimatum to voluntarily return to the lion's den within fourteen days or face forced repatriation. Should this grim fate befall me, it will not only mark the tragic end of a transgender woman's fight for justice but also serve as a chilling spectacle to the world, as an advocate for democracy is thrown into the male-dominated dungeons of the Communist Party's political prisoners. 

Born on December 7, 1994, in Hanzhong, Shaanxi, into the humble abode of employees serving the Communist enterprise amidst the secluded valleys dedicated to China's Third Front Construction, I entered this world as a male. As fate would have it, my childhood was marked by the solitude of being a left-behind child, a silent witness to the sacrifices of my forebears. In the year 2008, at the tender age of thirteen, the digital expanse of the internet became my sanctuary, a portal to worlds unknown. It was then, through the hallowed halls of Wikipedia, that I embarked on a quest for truth, delving into the annals of history far removed from the narratives I had known. The stark contrasts between the glorified tales of the Communist Party and the valiant struggles of the National Revolutionary Army during the Sino-Japanese War sowed seeds of doubt in my heart. I discovered that it was the Nationalist forces, not the Communists, who bore the brunt of the battle against the invaders, igniting a newfound respect for the Republic of China and its military. My journey through the corridors of history led me to the dark chapters of the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the persecution of Falun Gong, unveiling the Party's bloodstained hands in the oppression of students and spiritual seekers alike, and its ghastly trade in human organs. With each revelation, the facade of the Communist Party crumbled, leaving behind a lingering distaste for the regime that sought to bury its sins beneath layers of propaganda and silence. This awakening was not just a personal revelation but a clarion call to seek justice and truth in a world where both seem increasingly elusive. It is this quest for truth that has defined my path, a journey fraught with peril but illuminated by the unwavering hope for a brighter, freer future.
In 2008, the digital iron curtain cast by the Communist Party of China made accessing portals of truth like Wikipedia an odyssey in itself. It was then that I first ventured into the digital underground, arming myself with the tools of liberation—Freegate, Ultrasurf, and FreeU, among others—crafted by the Falun Gong movement. These keys to the kingdom allowed me to breach the Great Firewall, seeking the unvarnished truths hidden from view, and to bear witness to the world beyond the Party's reach. As Google fell victim to the Party's censorship, I turned to these gateways to access not just Google, but a constellation of sources that spoke of liberty and truth: The Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty Television, Huang Hua Gang magazine, China in Perspective, Sound of Hope, Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, and indeed, the boundless expanse of Wikipedia itself. It was through the dynamic web of Falun Gong that I first laid eyes on the bold letters of "Huang Hua Gang" magazine, a beacon of light guiding me to Xin Haonian's "Who is New China?" This tome peeled back the layers of deception woven by the Communist Party, revealing the radiant truth of the Republic of China and its indomitable National Revolutionary Army, the true bulwarks against Japanese aggression. Here, amidst the digital echoes of freedom, I uncovered the sinister facade of the Party: a history re-written, valour stolen, and the gallant deeds of the true heroes slandered under the guise of resistance. This journey through the hidden corridors of history was not merely an act of rebellion but a pilgrimage in search of truth, a truth that shone brightly against the shadow cast by the Party's lies, illuminating the path of resistance against the tyranny that sought to eclipse the legacy of those who fought, not for power, but for the soul of China. 

As I stepped into the halls of middle school in 2009, the tender stirrings of first love towards a boy marked the beginning of a deeply personal journey of self-discovery. Amidst this tumult of adolescence, the voice of Yuan Tengfei, a historian unafraid to pierce the veil of silence, became a guiding light. Through his lectures, I was introduced to the grim chapters of the Communist Party's history: the Anti-Rightist Campaign that silenced thousands, the catastrophic Great Famine that claimed millions of lives, and the Cultural Revolution—a maelstrom of chaos that extinguished countless souls. Yuan spoke of a Taiwan untouched by the ravages of time, a bastion of ancient customs and high moral standing, proclaiming it the true heir to China's spiritual legacy. This period ignited a profound affinity within me for the Republic of China on Taiwan, as I began to see in its resilience and grace a reflection of the ideals I yearned for. It was also during this time that I found my pantheon of heroes in Sun Yat-sen, the father of modern China who dreamed of a nation free and democratic; George Washington, whose resolve forged a new destiny; and Charles de Gaulle, whose indomitable spirit shaped the course of history. Each, in their own right, became a beacon guiding my path, embodying the virtues of courage, wisdom, and a relentless pursuit of liberty against the odds. 

Sun Yat-sen, akin to George Washington in the annals of American history, shines as a beacon of freedom and democracy. In the early months of 2014, I paid my respects at his mausoleum in Nanjing, a pilgrimage that was both a homage and a testament to my admiration for his vision. My yearning to experience the democratic bastion of the Republic of China (Taiwan) led me to traverse the streets of Taipei virtually, starting from Liberty Square. The grandeur of Liberty Square left an indelible impression on me, a monument to the values I hold dear. That same year marked a significant personal milestone: the commencement of my gender transition through the procurement of estrogen via the internet, a step towards aligning my exterior self with my interior truth. In 2015, I ventured into a relationship with a boyfriend, exploring the dimensions of love and companionship. This period was also marked by an intellectual awakening facilitated by Falun Gong's circumvention software, which granted me access to a trove of banned literature. I delved into works such as "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," Xin Haonian's "Who is New China," Gao Hua's "How the Red Sun Rose," and Yang Jisheng's "Tombstone." Of these, "Who is New China" by Xin Haonian reshaped my understanding of history, bestowing upon me, in my early twenties, a perspective that was both enlightening and transformative. This book laid bare the revival of feudal autocracy under the guise of communism, orchestrated by the Soviet Union. It elucidated the complexities of history and unveiled the truths obscured by the Communist Party's propaganda. Through Xin's writings, I was introduced to a narrative starkly different from the official story—a narrative where the Republic of China and its millions of Nationalist soldiers epitomized sacrifice, liberty, and heroism, standing in stark contrast to the Communist Party, depicted as a marionette of Soviet Russia, engaged in a despicable quest to undermine the noble pursuit of democracy initiated by the Kuomintang since the late 19th century. With every page turned, my reverence for the Republic of China grew, as did my disdain for the Communist Party—a disdain fuelled by the revelation of its actions, antithetical to the principles of freedom and democracy. This journey through forbidden histories not only fortified my resolve but also deepened my love for a China that once was and could be again—a nation where the spirit of democracy, not the shadow of despotism, defines its destiny. 

In the quiet recesses of my heart, I came to a profound realization: the Republic of China is my true motherland, and what is known as the “People's Republic of China” is but the occupied territory of a once sovereign nation. The Communist Party, responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese, has distorted the fabric of our shared history and identity. The fervent wish for the Republic of China to reclaim the mainland and liberate us from the yoke of Communist oppression became a beacon of hope in my soul. The Communist Party's narrative of "unifying" Taiwan is one that I find deeply repugnant. My affection lies with the Republic of China (Taiwan)—a symbol of freedom and democracy that I could never bear the thought of harming. The prospect of war, of being conscripted to fight against Taiwan, fills me with dread. I cannot bear the thought of raising arms against the land I hold dear, against the very essence of what I consider my true homeland. The Communist Party, having usurped the rightful legacy of the Republic of China, now casts its greedy eyes toward Taiwan, seeking to further its agenda of domination and control. I cannot, in good conscience, lend my hand to their cause, to invade and suppress the beacon of democracy that Taiwan represents. This understanding cemented my resolve to escape the shadows of the Communist regime, to seek a life where I no longer live under the specter of being forced into complicity with its ambitions. Each day spent under its rule is a day too many, fraught with the fear of being turned against what I cherish most. My spirit yearns for freedom, not just for myself, but for the true China that resides in my heart—the Republic of China. 

Beneath the oppressive shadow of the Communist Party's regime, I found myself ensnared in a silence born of fear, a prisoner of my own thoughts, unable to voice the tumult of dissent and abhorrence that lay festering within me. For years, this burden of unspoken grievances and deep-seated detestation grew heavier with every piece of history I uncovered, every truth that revealed the depths of the Party's depravity. My growing understanding of history and the Party's crimes against humanity only served to fuel the flames of my disdain. This smouldering resentment and loathing gave rise to an impulse within me, akin to a pivotal moment in history when an ordinary individual, driven by a sense of destiny and disregard for the consequences, rises to call others to action, ready to embrace sacrifice. It was as if I stood at the crossroads of history, waiting for a sign, a moment of opportunity to unleash the full measure of my contempt for the Communist Party. I harboured dreams of defiance, of a moment when I could pour forth all the hatred that had accumulated over the years, a cathartic release of the silent screams that had echoed within the walls of my heart. This was not just a personal vendetta; it was a longing for justice, for a chance to contribute to the turning of the tide, to stand in solidarity with those who dared to dream of a future free from tyranny. In this silent waiting, I sought not just the downfall of an oppressive regime but the rebirth of a nation where freedom and democracy could flourish. 

My admiration for Sun Yat-sen led me to his birthplace, Zhongshan city in Guangdong Province, where I spent some time in 2016, immersing myself in the legacy of a visionary. During this period, with the aid of Falun Gong's circumvention software, I discovered the documentary "Every Inch of Mountains and Rivers, Every Inch of Blood," which chronicles the Nationalist Army's sacrifices during the Sino-Japanese War. The portrayal of the National Revolutionary Army's bravery, their valiant stand against the invaders, and the poignant sacrifices they made for the country filled me with immense respect and a deepened sense of reverence. It also ignited a fiercer anger towards the Communist Party for its relentless efforts to tarnish the reputation of these true patriots. The more I learned about the true course of history, the stronger my affection grew for the Republic of China, and conversely, the deeper my disdain for the Communist Party became. 

The National Revolutionary Army's undaunted spirit in the face of adversity, their unwavering commitment to the nation's cause, stood in stark contrast to the deceit and vilification perpetrated by the Communists. This journey into the past not only solidified my respect for the Republic of China but also intensified my resolve to honour the memory of those who fought for its ideals, steadfast in the face of oblivion. My journey through history became not just an exploration of the past but a personal crusade against the injustices and manipulations of the Communist narrative, a testament to the enduring spirit of the Republic of China and its rightful place in the annals of history. There are moments, deeply stirring and poignant, when the floodgates of my emotions can no longer hold. Tears cascade down my cheeks, a silent testament to my profound admiration for the Republic of China and its heroic National Revolutionary Army. Each droplet bears the weight of glory and sorrow, mixed with an intense loathing for the Communist Party. These tears are not a sign of weakness but of my heartfelt allegiance to the spirit and ideals of the Republic of China. In those moments of vulnerability, my heart unequivocally belongs to the Republic of China. To the soldiers and officers of the National Revolutionary Army: your sacrifices and injustices have not gone unnoticed. Despite living under the rule of the Communist Party, in the depths of my being, I have already sworn my loyalty to the Republic of China. No matter what the future holds, I stand with the Republic of China, for it is my foundation, my unwavering beacon. Should the Communist Party dare to encroach upon Taiwan, I am ready to stand in solidarity with Taiwan against such aggression. Though I am but an ordinary individual within the occupied territories of the Republic of China, my resolve mirrors that of the countless National Revolutionary Army soldiers who laid down their lives in silence for their country. If history ever calls upon us to make a choice, I believe we will choose as they did: to fight for justice and freedom, to defend the Republic of China. The spirit of the National Revolutionary Army's soldiers, past and present, exemplifies the ordinary taking on the mantle of historical responsibility. The greatest of ideals are often championed by the most unassuming among us, proving that no force, no matter how formidable, can extinguish the human capacity for choice. In the face of the Communist Party's tyranny, I am willing to dedicate everything to the struggle for the liberty, democracy, and beliefs that the Republic of China embodies. How many in the Communist Party would dare to make such a stand? Should they attempt to violate the sovereignty of Taiwan, it will herald the downfall of the Communist regime. 
In the end, it's not just about standing against something but for something—a free and democratic Republic of China, the true heart of our nation. Living under the suffocating shadow of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I am shackled by silence, deprived of the freedom to speak. The CCP's governance is a thicket of corruption, marked by an iron fist of political repression and authoritarianism. In 2018, Xi Jinping audaciously amended the constitution, flaunting his power with absolute disregard. The agonies endured by the Chinese people stem from the tragedy of our beloved homeland, the Republic of China, being usurped by the CCP on the mainland. If only the Republic of China had continued its stewardship over the mainland post-1949, the atrocities committed by the CCP against us would have been unthinkable. Witnessing the democratic governance, economic vibrancy, societal harmony, and global camaraderie flourishing in Taiwan under the Republic of China fills my heart with immense respect and yearning. Oh, how I dream of the day the Republic of China reclaims its rightful place on the mainland! Yet, the CCP harbors sinister ambitions to extinguish the beacon of freedom that is Taiwan. I am compelled by every fiber of my being to safeguard the Republic of China nestled within my heart. I refuse to lend a hand in the CCP's crusade against Taiwan. My resolve is to stand with the Republic of China, to protect and preserve Taiwan's sovereignty.

As a transgender woman, trapped within a body that belies my true identity, I have navigated the murky waters of discrimination that pervade under the Communist regime. The fear of revealing my true self has rendered me silent in the face of society, work, and even my own family. Each instance requiring me to step into the public eye or undertake significant tasks has compelled me to sever my long hair, a symbol of my identity, concealing my orientation to the confines of anonymity and the digital world. The year 2021 marked a further degradation in the Communist Party's stance toward transgender women, malignantly branding us as "sissies," a term dripping with contempt. This heightened vilification stoked my fears of sparking a political witch hunt. In July 2021, as the Communist Party celebrated a century of its existence, I felt a deep-seated urge to etch my mark on history. By mid-June 2021, amidst the shadows, I began the solitary task of drafting a manifesto and a suite of documents for a resistance movement, adorning our cause with a party flag and emblem that embraced the LGBTQ+ rainbow. The realization that discovery would spell my undoing hastened my efforts to find an escape from China. By early September 2021, my preparations culminated in the recording of videos announcing the establishment of our party. Concurrently, in July, I penned my insights into the origins of COVID-19, pointing to a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a narrative veiled in the dark shroud of the Communist military's biochemical secrets. With these politically charged documents encrypted and safely stored, I set my sights beyond the oppressive grasp of the Communist regime, ready to leave behind the land that suffocated my truth and sought to quell my voice. 

My journey to freedom began with a flight ticket from Shanghai to Vienna, Austria, with a layover that symbolized more than just a geographical transition. At Shanghai Pudong Airport, the grip of the Communist regime manifested one last time in a gruelling two-hour ordeal. The border police singled me out, their suspicion painted across their faces as they interrogated me about my motives for leaving China. My luggage, documents, and even the sanctity of my personal phone were subjected to their invasive scrutiny. Eventually, I was escorted to a small room where a camera awaited, an unblinking eye that sought to capture my compliance or rebellion. There, they probed me about my knowledge of China's most wanted fugitives and ominously informed me that my passport had been specially marked in their system. The warnings were clear: any actions against the state, participation in "illegal" organizations, or harm to "China's" interests would lead to my extradition, no matter where I sought refuge. Despite these threats, the final moments before my flight remained tense, a psychological tug-of-war as the border officials continued to dissuade me from leaving. It was only in the eleventh hour, as the plane's departure loomed and I stood alone against the might of the state, that they reluctantly granted me passage. This was not merely an exit from my homeland but a pivotal escape from the shackles of oppression, a step into the unknown with the hope of finding a place where I could finally live in truth and freedom. 

Upon my arrival in Vienna on November 1, 2021, the vast expanse of the airport became the stage for my moment of catharsis. Seated amidst the hum of travellers and the echo of announcements, I unleashed years of pent-up defiance into the digital ether. The documents and videos laying the foundation of my opposition party, the incisive analysis of the Communist military's biochemical weaponry, alongside a barrage of articles critiquing the regime, were all set free into the world. This act was not merely the dissemination of information; it was a profound release of years of smouldering anger and frustration. As I pressed "publish" on each piece of my digital arsenal, tears streamed down my face, a deluge of emotions overwhelming me. Each drop was imbued with years of injustice and suppression, each one a testament to the struggle for self-expression and the indomitable quest for freedom. There, in the anonymity of the airport, I found a paradoxical solitude, a moment where my grief and triumph intertwined. My tears were not just of sorrow but of exhilaration and pride, a recognition of the arduous journey behind me and the uncertain path ahead. It was a pivotal moment of transformation, from a life lived in the shadows to one standing boldly in the light, advocating not just for my own liberation but for the freedom of all who suffer under tyranny. 

Upon seeking asylum with the Austrian airport police, I believed I had finally stepped into the light of freedom, a stark contrast to the shadows that had veiled my existence in China. The relief that washed over me was palpable, a weight lifted from my shoulders as I envisioned a life where I could be my true self, unencumbered by fear or persecution. In Austria, I embraced the digital world as my battlefield, waging a relentless campaign against the Communist regime. My efforts to expose the origins of the COVID-19 virus were not confined to mere speculation; I dispatched my findings to intelligence agencies worldwide, seeking to pierce the veil of secrecy and misinformation that had allowed the virus to wreak havoc globally. My online endeavours quickly gained traction, amassing a digital footprint that stretched across continents and cultures. With over 14 million views on Twitter and 160,000 blog visits, my voice, once silenced, now echoed loudly in the halls of global discourse. By March 2024, after 28 months of unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom and democracy, the party I had founded had grown to over a hundred members, a testament to the resonating power of our shared ideals. More importantly, I had publicly embraced my identity as a transgender woman, living openly and authentically in a society that respected my rights and dignity. This period of my life was not just about political activism; it was a journey of personal liberation, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dare to dream of a better world. My story, woven from threads of resilience, activism, and a quest for identity, stands as a beacon to others who tread the path of resistance, reminding them that freedom is not just the absence of oppression but the presence of justice and the right to live as one's true self. 

The denial of my asylum request by Austria on March 8, 2024, was a stark reminder of the precariousness of my situation. The decision to potentially return me to the clutches of the regime I fled from was not just disheartening; it felt like a betrayal of the very principles of asylum and protection for those fleeing persecution. Austria's six-week window for appeal, far from offering respite, became a period of heightened anxiety, with the looming threat of arrest and deportation hanging over me. The dismissal of all evidence in my favour by the Austrian judiciary, and their downplaying of the risks posed by the Chinese Communist Party, was beyond disillusioning. The suggestion that I could continue to live "normally" under the oppressive regime that has systematically targeted me for my beliefs and identity was not just naive but dangerously out of touch with reality. The idea of a transgender woman, who is also a political dissident, leading a "normal life" under the surveillance and control of the Communist Party is unfathomable. It disregards the daily reality of surveillance, discrimination, and the threat of imprisonment that people like me face in China. This shocking turn of events has thrust me back into a state of uncertainty and fear, a grim reminder that the fight for freedom and safety is fraught with setbacks. However, it has also strengthened my resolve to continue advocating for the rights and dignity of individuals persecuted for their identity or beliefs. The struggle for asylum is not just a legal battle but a moral one, underscored by the imperative to protect the most vulnerable from the tyranny of oppressive regimes. My story, though marked by this significant setback, is far from over. It serves as a call to action for the international community to stand in solidarity with those who seek refuge from persecution, advocating for a world where justice and compassion guide the principles of asylum and human rights. 

The prospect of a transgender woman, who also serves as a political opposition leader, being placed in a male political prisoner's prison under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party is not only deeply alarming but would also constitute a grave human rights violation. Such an outcome would undoubtedly cast a long, dark shadow over Austria's history, highlighting a failure to protect those who seek refuge within its borders from persecution and abuse. The timing of this decision, following a visit by Wang Xiaohong, a leader of the Chinese Communist Party's Ministry of Public Security, to Austria in February 2024, raises questions about the influence of diplomatic relations on matters of asylum and human rights. 

To me, Austria's decision to deport me is not merely administrative—it is a veritable guillotine descending on my neck, a political execution cloaked in bureaucracy. My dreams and revolutionary fervor teeter on the precipice of oblivion, my life dangling by the thinnest of threads over the abyss. The specter of the Chinese Communist Party's disdain haunts me, a phantom of dishonor and abuse that fills my heart with unspeakable terror. I beseech the guardians of liberty, the champions of democracy, and the heralds of universal values to extend their hands in solidarity. I implore you, in the name of all that we hold dear, to forestall this dire fate Austria seeks to seal. The thought of being thrust back into the maw of the CCP is to stare into the jaws of a beast, ready to be swallowed whole. The tarmac of Shanghai Pudong awaits my return not with open arms, but with chains and shackles, ready to drag me into the depths of despair. Awaiting me is the CCP's inquisition—a gauntlet of torment and indignity, concluding with the cold, isolating bars of a cell. As a transgender woman, I am to be cast into the lion's den, condemned to endure the compound cruelties reserved for those like me, imprisoned not just by walls but by the crushing weight of relentless persecution. The very thought sends shivers down my spine, a prelude to a nightmare from which there is no waking. Austria, in its cavalier treatment of my plight, thrusts me into the throes of mortal terror. I have been ensnared in a web of panic and fear, my soul scarred by the spectre of impending doom, a battle with shadows that has left me grappling with the ghost of trauma. Yet, this seems but a trifle to Austria, which, with relentless zeal, seeks to consign me to the belly of the beast, delivering me into the hands of my tormentors. Alas, I stand alone, a solitary figure against the storm, a voice crying out in the wilderness. It is a power that no single soul can withstand, a tide that threatens to sweep me away. Thus, I cast my plea into the vast expanse, calling upon the just and the righteous across the globe. It is a clarion call for sanctuary, a beacon of hope in the gathering darkness. I urge you, let not Austria deliver me unto this fate. Stand with me, and together, let us hold back the night that seeks to engulf me, to return me to the shadowed lands controlled by the CCP. 

What course is left to me? I am bound by a resolve that courts death itself, embarking on a struggle with the grim determination to find life in the face of mortality, or to illuminate my principles through my demise. "Give me liberty, or give me death!" echoes thrice as a clarion call from my soul. If my life serves to illustrate anything, it is the Chinese people's profound longing and pursuit for freedom, an unwavering and resolute fight for the ideals of liberty and democracy until the very last breath. In this crucible of my existence, I stand at the crossroads of destiny, where the only path forward is carved with the steely resolve of those who have dared to dream of a dawn beyond the darkness. My mantra, "Give me liberty, or give me death!", is not a mere refrain but a solemn vow, a testament to the spirit that refuses to bow before the yoke of tyranny. If there is to be any legacy that my life might claim, let it be a beacon to those who navigate the turbulent seas of oppression. My journey, marked by the relentless pursuit of freedom, embodies the indomitable quest of a people yearning to break free from the chains that bind their spirit. It is a battle cry for the ages, a pledge of defiance against the silent encroachments of despotism. In this hour of reckoning, I stand defiant, a solitary figure against the gathering storm, my voice an echo of the countless souls who have risen in the quest for liberty. My resolve is my shield, my will to fight the flame that lights the darkness. In the face of adversity, I draw strength from the eternal truth that liberty is the birthright of every soul, a treasure for which no sacrifice is too great. Thus, with every breath that courses through my veins, I reaffirm my commitment to this noble cause. My life, a testament to the unyielding desire for freedom, is a pledge to fight for democracy and liberty until the final curtain falls. In the symphony of existence, may my part resonate with the resolve that freedom is worth every trial, every sacrifice. "Give me liberty, or give me death!"—a mantra for the ages, a beacon for all who yearn to live free. 

In the grand tapestry of existence, even the divine turtle, blessed with longevity, meets its end, and the soaring serpent, riding the mists of dawn, ultimately returns to dust. Should Austria's decision to deport me become the final chapter in my journey, leading me towards the abyss, I shall face it with serenity. For I would meet my end as I have lived—clutching tightly to the pursuit of freedom, falling on the battlefield of liberty, never once forsaking my faith and ideals in freedom. I harbour no regrets, only pride. Like the valiant soldiers of the Republic of China I so admire, who fought with unwavering resolve for their revolutionary ideals, turning into dust without regret, leaving behind a legacy that lights the path for future generations. Yet, it is my fervent hope that the righteous and compassionate governments and people around the world will intervene to avert this tragedy. To prevent Austria from sending me back to the clutches of the Chinese Communist Party's territory—to let me live. Allow me the chance to continue my fight against the Chinese Communist Party, to stand guard over Taiwan, to fulfill my revolutionary dreams and ideals, and to aid in the quest for freedom and democracy for the Chinese people. I implore all who stand for justice and humanity to lend their support, to halt my deportation back to the control of the Communist regime, to stop a humanitarian tragedy from unfolding. Let this cry for help echo across the globe, not as a swan song, but as a rallying cry for action, a plea for mercy and justice in a world that too often turns a blind eye to the suffering of the oppressed. Let my story be a beacon, illuminating the power of collective action in the face of darkness, inspiring others to stand up for the sanctity of freedom and the dignity of human life. Together, we can prevent this tragedy and affirm the indomitable spirit of those who fight for a brighter tomorrow. 

To everyone who has shown concern and support, I extend my deepest gratitude from the bottom of my heart. Your solidarity and kindness shine as beacons of hope in the darkest of times, reminding me that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, we are never truly alone. Your compassion and actions reinforce the belief that together, we can surmount even the most insurmountable obstacles. 

With heartfelt thanks, 



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悼念中华民国国父孙中山仙逝100周年,中华和平革命党(CPRP)跨娘女主席高艺表示:要将反共进行到底!中华和平革命党(CPRP)中央决定,从2025年3月12日至2025年6月19日为孙中山悼念100天,主题是:革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力! 2016年,高艺与孙中山雕像在广东省中山市合影。

在中华和平革命党(CPRP)跨娘女主席高艺的领导下,中华跨娘族群中央、中华娘族总会在2025年1月11日成立。 Under the leadership of Gao Yi, the Transwoman Chairperson of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP): the Chinese Transwomen's Ethnic Group Central Committee and the Chinese Transwomen's Ethnic Group General Association were established on January 11, 2025. 设立中华跨娘族群旗帜和族徽为: Establishment of the flag and emblem of the Chinese Transgender Women's Ethnic Group as: 中华和平革命党(CPRP)Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) 中华跨娘族群中央 Chinese Transwomen's Ethnic Group Central Committee 中华娘族总会Chinese Transwomen's Ethnic Group General Association 中華民國,南京時間,民國114年1月11日(2025年1月11日) Republic of China, Nanjing Time, January 11, 114 R.O.C. (January 11, 2025) 来源:https://chinesetranswoman.blogspot.com/2025/01/cprp2025111-under-leadership-of-gao-yi.html

Mourning the 100th anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China (ROC), Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) transgender chairwoman, Gao Yi, said, “We are going to overthrow the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pseudo-regime once and for all!” The Central Committee of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) has decided that we are going to start from March 12, 2025 to June 19, 2025, 100 days of mourning for Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The theme is: The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard! Gao Yi poses with a statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, in 2016.