Chinese Peace Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Chairwoman Gao Yi protests against the Tiananmen Square massacre of June 4, 1989 in front of the Chinese Embassy of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the invading pseudo-regime of the Soviet Union, in Austria on June 4, 2024, a Communist Party of China (CPC) lackey! President Gao Yi displays a sign saying “China needs freedom and democracy”.

 Chinese Peace Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Chairwoman Gao Yi protests against the Tiananmen Square massacre of June 4, 1989 in front of the Chinese Embassy of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the invading pseudo-regime of the Soviet Union, in Austria on June 4, 2024, a Communist Party of China (CPC) lackey! President Gao Yi displays a sign saying “China needs freedom and democracy”.

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