Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Transgender Chairwoman Gao Yi said: The theme for the 3rd anniversary of the Chinese Transgender Women's Day on March 9, 2025 is to establish a month of remembrance for the revolutionary martyrs of the Chinese Transgender Women's Ethnic Group, from March 9 to April 9 every year. Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Transwoman Chairwoman Gao Yi said, “In the darkness of the massive covert genocide of the Chinese transwomen's ethnic group by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on March 9, 2022, a Chinese transwoman paid with her blood and life to make the world understand that the Chinese transgender women's ethnic group is being politically massacred by the CCP using the propaganda machine of the CCP. According to our party's internal research data, China's Chinese transgender women's ethnic group has a total of 10 million people, of which 25% died unnatural deaths under the rule of the Chinese Communist Part...
高艺主席发表专文:要建立起反对中国共产党(俄国侵华傀儡)和习近平为目标中国的议会 | 和革社 Transgender Chairwoman Gao Yi published an article on the need to build a Chinese parliament with the ultimate goal of opposing the Chinese Communist Party (a puppet of Russia's invasion of China) and Xi Jinping.| CPRP News Service 高艺 议会制是一个好东西,各个不同层面的人民百姓都有了自己的代表,可以防范共产主义专制,各个政党之间可以合纵连横,选出政治最优解。 中共政治体制最大的独裁之处就是在于没有反对党,所以专制横行无阻,恐怖暴力蔓延。阻止这一切,就要进行全民普选,在中国建立议会制度,而这种议会制度,要以中华和平革命党为核心,以反对中国共产党为目标。 议会到底是什么?简而言之,就是老百姓投票给自己喜欢的政党,而政党在国家政治中为老百姓说话和谋福利,在国家议会中,单个或几个政党如果议会的席位超过半数,则可以组建政府,也就是政府中的各个部门由这些议席超过半数的党派负责,这就是执政党派或执政联盟,而其他的少数党则为反对党派。 当然执政党和反对党是可以转变的,只要老百姓投票,不好的执政党可以被选下去,失去执政的权力,好的反对党也可以选上来,获得执政的权力,没有谁是万世一系,唯我独尊的。这就是议会制的好处。 习近平这个中共最大的独裁者皇帝,是中国被侵略历史上少有的暴君,反对中国共产党(俄国侵华傀儡),就必须要反对这个中共的皇帝习近平,我们中华和平革命党要建立起反对中国共产党(俄国侵华傀儡)和习近平为目标中国的议会,这是我们的使命和目标。 中华和平革命党(CPRP)跨娘女主席高艺 和革社 中華民國,南京時間,民國114年2月25日(2025年2月25日)
Why protest against Xi Jinping's visit to France? President Gao Yi her protest speech in front of the Communist China Embassy in Austria, May 5, 2024, Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP)