
关于“基病毒(Ki virus)”传播轨迹和迭代模式的进一步分析,引出“基病毒(Ki virus)”在自然界状态下的传播轨迹和迭代情况。关于武汉华南海鲜批发市场在“基病毒(Ki virus)”传播的过程中与COVID-19形成的过程中所扮演的角色。关于“基病毒(Ki virus)”在自然传播下的传播链条和自然迭代轨迹的具体情况。关于“基病毒(Ki virus)”传播系数R0的初步探讨,并提出“基病毒(Ki virus)”传播系数R0在某些可能性下的“过峰性”假设,并探索“基病毒(Ki virus)”传播系数R0 具有“过峰性”的原因。关于世界卫生组织和“武汉华南海鲜批发市场内部动物身上未检测到COVID-19”的相关言论的分析批判和说明。中华和平革命党(CPRP)2023年1月10日,关于《追魂 高艺Soul Chaser Gao Yi》的补充说明5。Further analysis of the trajectory and iterative pattern of Ki virus transmission leads to the trajectory and iterative situation of Ki virus transmission in the natural state. The role of Wuhan South China Seafood Wholesale Market in the spread of Ki virus and the formation of COVID-19. Details of the chain of transmission and the natural iterative trajectory of Ki virus under natural transmission.A preliminary study of the propagation coefficient R0 of Ki virus, and a hypothesis of "over-peakedness" of the propagation coefficient R0 of Ki virus under certain possibilities. The hypothesis of "Ki virus" transmission coefficient R0 is proposed. The reasons for the "over-peak" of the transmission coefficient R0 of Ki virus were explored. An analysis and critique of the WHO and the statement "COVID-19 has not been detected in animals inside the Wuhan South China Seafood Wholesale Market". Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), January 10, 2023, Supplementary Note 5 on Soul Chaser Gao Yi.

关于“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 传播轨迹和迭代模式的进一步分析,引出“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 在自然界状态下的传播轨迹和迭代情况。关于武汉华南海鲜批发市场在“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 传播的过程中与 COVID-19 形成的过程中所扮演的角色。关于“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 在自然传播下的传播链条和自然迭代轨迹的具体情况。关于“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 传播系数 R0 的初步探讨,并提出“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 传播系数 R0 在某些可能性下的“过峰性”假设,并探索“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 传播系数 R0 具有“过峰性”的原因。关于世界卫生组织和“武汉华南海鲜批发市场内部动物身上未检测到 COVID-19 ”的相关言论的分析批判和说明。中华和平革命党( CPRP ) 2023 年 1 月 10 日,关于《追魂 高艺 Soul Chaser Gao Yi 》的补充说明 5 。 Further analysis of the trajectory and iterative pattern of Ki virus transmission leads to the trajectory and iterative situation of Ki virus transmission in the natural state. The role of Wuhan South China Seafood Wholesale Market in the spread of Ki virus and the formation of COVID-19. Details of the chain of transmission and the natural iterative trajectory of Ki virus under natural transmission.A preliminary study of the propagation coefficient R0 of Ki virus, and a hypothesis of "over-peakedness" of the propagation coefficient R0 of Ki virus under certain possib...

关于中华和平革命党(CPRP)启动COVID-19病毒溯源追责项目的公告Announcement on the Launch of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) COVID-19 Virus Traceability and Accountability Project

关于中华和平革命党( CPRP )启动 COVID-19 病毒溯源追责项目的公告   中华和平革命党( CPRP )于 2023 年 1 月 10 日启动 COVID-19 病毒溯源追责项目。   该项目的目的有二:对 COVID-19 病毒的源头溯源和追责。   该项目由我中华和平革命党( CPRP ) COVID-19 病毒溯源追责项目组负责。       中华和平革命党( CPRP )   中华和平革命党( CPRP ) COVID-19 病毒溯源追责项目组   中华和平革命党( CPRP )党员主席   高艺   2023 年 1 月 10 日   Announcement on the Launch of the Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) COVID-19 Virus Traceability and Accountability Project   The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) launched the COVID-19 Virus Traceability and Accountability Project on January 10, 2023.   The purpose of the project is twofold: to trace the source of the COVID-19 virus and to pursue accountability.   The project is run by our Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) COVID-19 Virus Traceability and Accountability Project Team.       Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) ...

中华和平革命党(CPRP)党员主席高艺祝大家2023新年快乐! Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Party Chairman Gao Yi wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2023!

祝大家2023年快乐!Happy 2023 to everyone! 中华和平革命党(CPRP)祝大家2023新年快乐! The Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2023! 中华和平革命党(CPRP)党员主席高艺祝大家2023新年快乐! Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP) Party Chairman Gao Yi wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2023!  

关于武汉病毒研究所泄露“基病毒(Ki virus)”具体时间范围的确定。关于“基病毒(Ki virus)”泄露与COVID-19爆发整体事件具有“突发性”和“迅速进展性”的说明。关于补充说明“倒卖感染COVID-19实验性动物”说法的漏洞和不合理性。关于自我更新、批判和否定关于“倒卖感染了“基病毒(Ki virus)”的动物”的说法。至此也就完全否定任何情况下的“倒卖动物说”的论述。2022年12月28日。关于《追魂 高艺Soul Chaser Gao Yi》的补充说明4。The specific time frame for the leak of Ki virus from Wuhan Institute of Virus Research. Explanation of the "suddenness" and "rapid progress" of the "Ki virus" leak and the COVID-19 outbreak as a whole. Additional explanation of the flawed and irrational nature of the claim of "selling experimental animals infected with COVID-19". To update, criticize, and deny the statement that "animals infected with Ki virus were sold". This also completely rejects the argument of "selling animals" in any case. 28th December 2022. Additional note 4 on Soul Chaser Gao Yi.

关于武汉病毒研究所泄露“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 具体时间范围的确定。关于 “ 基病毒 (Ki virus)” 泄露与 COVID-19 爆发整体事件具有 “ 突发性 ” 和 “ 迅速进展性 ” 的说明。关于补充说明 “ 倒卖感染 COVID-19 实验性动物 ” 说法的漏洞和不合理性。关于自我更新、批判和否定关于 “ 倒卖感染了 “ 基病毒 (Ki virus)” 的动物 ” 的说法。至此也就完全否定任何情况下的 “ 倒卖动物说 ” 的论述。 2022 年 12 月 28 日。关于《追魂 高艺 Soul Chaser Gao Yi 》的补充说明 4 。 The specific time frame for the leak of Ki virus from Wuhan Institute of Virus Research. Explanation of the "suddenness" and "rapid progress" of the "Ki virus" leak and the COVID-19 outbreak as a whole. Additional explanation of the flawed and irrational nature of the claim of "selling experimental animals infected with COVID-19". To update, criticize, and deny the statement that "animals infected with Ki virus were sold". This also completely rejects the argument of "selling animals" in any case. 28th December 2022. Additional note 4 on Soul Chaser Gao Yi.   1 、多角度分析确定“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 从武汉病毒研究所泄露的具体时间范围,明确“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 泄露与 COVID-19 爆发整体事件具有突...

关于武汉病毒研究所泄露“基病毒(Ki virus)”的方式、“基病毒”如何传播到华南海鲜市场的途径补充和世界情报机构对COVID-19起源情报的缺失原因等情况的一些补充和更新。2022年12月27日。关于《追魂 高艺Soul Chaser Gao Yi》的补充说明3 。Additional information on how the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research leaked the Ki virus, how the Ki virus spread to the South China seafood market, and the reasons for the lack of information from world intelligence agencies on the origin of COVID-19. Added and updated on December 27, 2022. Supplementary Note 3 on Soul Chaser Gao Yi.

  关于武汉病毒研究所泄露“基病毒 (Ki virus)” 的方式、 “ 基病毒 ” 如何传播到华南海鲜市场的途径补充和世界情报机构对 COVID-19 起源情报的缺失原因等情况的一些补充和更新。 2022 年 12 月 27 日。关于《追魂 高艺 Soul Chaser Gao Yi 》的补充说明 3 。 Additional information on how the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research leaked the Ki virus, how the Ki virus spread to the South China seafood market, and the reasons for the lack of information from world intelligence agencies on the origin of COVID-19. Added and updated on December 27, 2022. Supplementary Note 3 on Soul Chaser Gao Yi.   在思考 COVID-19 的前体病毒——“基病毒”从武汉病毒研究所传播到华南海鲜市场的途径时,结合我之前的补充 1 和补充 2 ,出现了一个需要补充说明的新问题,那就是如果“基病毒”能够在自然条件下有限且温和的在武汉病毒研究所周围的环境中传播,特别是在武汉病毒研究所周围的非人物种之中传播,那么为什么在武汉疫情爆发的消息流传开来后的 2019 年 12 月、特别是 2019 年 12 月末及以后,世界上没有任何情报机构报告关于武汉病毒研究所周围或是武汉市的某些自然条件下的非人物种发现某些异常呢?也就是为什么 COVID-19 爆发当时及之后没有任何情报机构能够或在检测武汉病毒研究所周围的自然环境中的非人物种上发现异常?这个问题涉及“基病毒”具体的传播载体以及具体的传播时间,以及武汉病毒研究所的研究项目实验的时间安排或武汉病毒研究所发生了某些特殊变化。以下具体说明:   1 、 “基病毒”的传播载体是什么呢?   这里需要考虑的是“基病毒”是如何在武汉病毒研究所泄露的这种可能性下传播到华南海鲜市场的,因为武汉病毒研究所与华南海鲜市场之间还有...

Raising the banner of the liberal democratic left wing, we will take advantage of the victory and make a bold move to resolutely and thoroughly combat the once unbeatable arrogance of the extreme right-wing disinformation and conspiracy theory anti-science Nazis and gangs.

 Raising the banner of the liberal democratic left wing, we will take advantage of the victory and make a bold move to resolutely and thoroughly combat the once unbeatable arrogance of the extreme right-wing disinformation and conspiracy theory anti-science Nazis and gangs. The far right is always good at disguising and deceiving people. Democracy and freedom itself are the values of the liberal democratic left, but the far right not only supports extreme right-wing conservatism, but also tries to have a so-called "voice" in the democratic movement of the Chinese people, which is really self-deceiving. Like their childish deception, they have become the "emperor's new clothes", comparable to the Chinese Communist Party. In the past two years, the extreme right wing has removed its disguise and revealed its fierce claws and teeth. They have recklessly attacked American democracy, denigrated liberalism, and embraced the extreme right-wing American populist leader ...