Gao Yi displays the real Chinese flag (Republic of China) in front of the communist pseudo-Chinese embassy in Austria to protest against the pseudo-Chinese “People's Republic of China” and talks about how the CCP is a puppet pseudo-government of the Russian invasion and colonization of China, that the CCP regime has no legitimacy, and that the Chinese will not be the slaves of the country, Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), May 7, 2024

 Gao Yi displays the real Chinese flag (Republic of China) in front of the communist pseudo-Chinese embassy in Austria to protest against the pseudo-Chinese “People's Republic of China” and talks about how the CCP is a puppet pseudo-government of the Russian invasion and colonization of China, that the CCP regime has no legitimacy, and that the Chinese will not be the slaves of the country, Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party (CPRP), May 7, 2024

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